Anthrax May Have Been Spread By Wind

December 19, 2001
The two ?mystery? cases of anthrax that killed an elderly woman in Connecticut and another woman in the Bronx, may have been caused by spores blown on the wind from the Trenton, New Jersey postal center where anthrax-laced letters were... continued

I.D. Cards for Everyone–Worldwide

December 19, 2001
Every person in the world would be fingerprinted and registered under a universal identification plan to fight illegal immigration and identify the movements of potential terrorists that was outlined at a United Nations meeting. The plan was suggested by Pascal... continued

Who Profited From 911 Financial Windfall?

December 19, 2001
German computer experts are trying to find the truth behind an unexplained surge in financial transactions made just before two hijacked planes crashed into New York?s World Trade Center on September 11. And they?re finding the evidence inside the ruins... continued

Al-Qaeda Computer Hackers

December 19, 2001
Mohammad Afroze Abdul Razzak, age 25, is a captured member of the al-Qaeda terrorist network who says that terrorists infiltrated Microsoft and sabotaged their Windows XP operating system. Razzak was arrested by police in Bombay, India on October 2nd. He... continued

Vikings Still Live in England

December 18, 2001
Blood tests taken over the past year show that part of northwest England is still a Viking stronghold, just as it was 1,200 years ago. Geneticists have discovered clear evidence of Norwegian genetic influences in the area. The study also... continued

Methane May Be Major Cause of Climate Change

December 18, 2001
NASA scientists have discovered that a huge release of methane from gas that had been frozen beneath the ocean floor heated the Earth by up to 13 degrees Fahrenheit 55 million years ago. They used a computer simulation to better... continued

We Need a Good Asteroid Detector

December 18, 2001
The odds are good that eventually our planet will be hit by an asteroid or a comet, as it has many times before. Engineers and scientists here at NASA?s Langley Research Center are trying to spot these hazards before they... continued

Autism No Longer Rare

December 18, 2001
The U.K. Medical Research Council feels that a massive and coordinated research effort to identify the causes of autism is urgently needed and believes that autism and related disorders are far more common than previously thought. So far, there is... continued

Life on Moon of Jupiter?

December 17, 2001
Brad Dalton, a planetary geologist with the Ames Research Center, thinks bacteria could account for the odd light emissions, as well as the reddish hue, coming from Jupiter?s moon Europa. He used data collected from the Galileo spacecraft to find... continued

The Anthrax Trail

December 17, 2001
Does it seem like you?ve heard a lot of confusing, contradictory information regarding the recent anthrax terrorism? And does it seem as if most of it has been coming from official, government sources? Anne Strieber, who has been reporting on... continued