Large Tool Left in Man

December 7, 2001
Donald Church was left in agony for more than two months when surgeons sewed him up after an operation and left a metal tool over a foot long inside him. When he complained that he couldn?t bend over, doctors told... continued

Identify Music With Your Cellphone

December 7, 2001
When you hear a song you like on the radio, but the DJ doesn?t identify it, the researchers at Philips have come up with a new service that will get you the name of it. While the music is playing,... continued

Doctor to Conduct NDE Tests

December 6, 2001
Dr. Sam Parnia, a doctor at Southampton General Hospital in England, has been given approval to conduct the first large scale investigation into what happens when patients have a near death experience (NDE). An earlier study at the hospital revealed... continued

Is Your Child Safe From School Killers?

December 6, 2001
Violent crimes in U.S. schools which leave many students and teachers dead are on the rise, according to a new study by Dr. Mark Anderson of the Division of Violence Prevention at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in... continued

Monarchs May Be Saved

December 6, 2001
Mexican President Vicente Fox has announced a program to protect the forests that are used as a winter haven by hundreds of millions of Monarch butterflies every year. A fund created by the government and private foundations called the Monarch... continued

Why Back Pain is Hard to Beat

December 6, 2001
Many of our website readers and Dreamland listeners also listen to Art Bell on Coast to Coast AM and they?re been worried about the recent bout of back pain that kept him off the air for so long. A new... continued

You Can Only Find Them Here

December 6, 2001
If you click on the ?store? tab at the top of our home page, you?ll find wonderful Christmas gifts that are for sale exclusively on won?t find them anywhere else. One example is our Cellguard phone protector?two tiny pieces... continued

Original Nessie Film Found

December 5, 2001
The first film of Scotland?s Loch Ness Monster was shown 65 years ago. Since then, the short newsreel clip of the 30 foot long creature has been missing. Now the footage has been found and will be screened again. Janet... continued

Pesticide Tests Approved for Humans

December 5, 2001
Three years ago, in response to mounting criticism from environmentalists and physicians, the Clinton administration stopped using information from industry studies conducted on humans to determine the amount of pesticides that could be applied to fruits, vegetables and other crops.... continued

Noisy Meteors

December 5, 2001
We reported that several people were hit by falling meteors during the recent leonids shower on November 18. Now we?ve learned that some skywatchers not only saw the leonids, they heard them too. ?I am sure I could hear several... continued