How to Find Life on Mars

November 28, 2001
Researchers who are searching for evidence of water and organic compounds on Mars need to know how to recognize Martian life forms if Mars rocks are eventually brought back to Earth. Peter Buseck and Martha McCartney, of the NASA Astrobiology... continued

Afghanistan Farmers Planting Poppies Again

November 28, 2001
It?s planting season in eastern Afghanistan, and farmers are busy plowing their fields for next year?s crop of poppies that will eventually be turned into heroin and shipped to the streets of the U.S. and Europe. A few weeks ago,... continued

Christmas at

November 27, 2001
If you?re scared to go to the mall this season, or just don?t want to fight the throngs of bargain hunters, consider doing your Christmas shopping at our website store. Click on the ?store? tab at the top of the... continued

Osama bin Laden Spotted

November 27, 2001
Osama bin Laden was spotted in a fortified encampment 35 miles from Jalalabad a few days ago. Hazarat Ali, the law and order minister for the eastern shura or council, which controls three major provinces in eastern Afghanistan, says informants... continued

U.S. Will Invade More Countries

November 27, 2001
According to the Sunday Times of London, the war on terrorism will soon be extended to three new countries, with targets linked to al-Qaeda in Somalia, Sudan and Yemen at the top of the hit list. ?We have the wind... continued

First Human Clones

November 27, 2001
The scientists at Advanced Cell Technology, in Worcester, Massachusetts, claim they have cloned the first early human embryo. They want to create genetically matched replacement cells for patients with a wide range of diseases, and say they have no interest... continued

Where Asteroids Come From

November 27, 2001
Over the past millions of years, Earth has taken some major hits from asteroids. Where do these huge boulders come from and why are they in orbits near the Earth? Scientists now think the sun is to blame. Asteroids most... continued

President Expands Scope of War, Threatens Iraq

November 26, 2001
President Bush today demanded that Iraq allow UN weapons inspectors who were expelled in 1998 to return to the country and complete their work. When asked what would happen if Iraqi president Saddam Hussein refused, Bush stated, "he'll find out."... continued

WTC-Oklahoma Bombing Link?

November 26, 2001
Some researchers claim that several Middle Eastern men may have been connected to the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. While this sounds like an unlikely conspiracy theory, there is some evidence to back this up. John Doe No. 2, an olive-skinned... continued

U.S. Mosques Infiltrated by Terrorists

November 26, 2001
Dave Eberhart, of, reports that Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani, founder of the Islamic Supreme Council of America (ISCA), has renewed his 1999 warning to the State Department that brainwashed Islamic extremists have infiltrated U.S. mosques and Muslim student and... continued