FTC Fights Fake Anthrax Cures on Internet

November 20, 2001
The government is warning websites to stop selling unproven treatments for anthrax, smallpox and bioterrorism agents. The treatments include dietary supplements such as oregano oil and zinc mineral water. The Federal Trade Commission says there?s no scientific evidence that any... continued

Scientists Predict Next Ice Age

November 20, 2001
A study of North Atlantic ice suggests that the brightening and dimming of the sun may cause a 1,500-year cycle of cooling and warming on parts of the Earth. Researchers have found that a very slight difference in the amount... continued

Will Bureaucracy Bring Down America?

November 19, 2001
One of the first thoughts that surfaced in almost every American mind, as we sat in stunned silence in front of our TV sets on September 11 and watched the Twin Towers fall, was ?How could our intelligence agencies not... continued

Bush Restricts Access to Presidential Papers?Including His Dad?s

November 19, 2001
On November 1, President George W. Bush signed Executive Order 13233, which ends 27 years of Congressional and judicial efforts to make Presidential papers and records publicly available. This Executive Order suggests that Bush not only doesn?t want Americans to... continued

We Can Learn About ET Speech from Ancient Civilizations

November 19, 2001
The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) is based on the idea that a search of the cosmos may reveal artificial signals that are being transmitted intentionally or as electromagnetic noise, like TV and radio signals. But if we do detect... continued

Bin Laden Set Up Decoys of Himself

November 19, 2001
An Arab newspaper reports that an al-Qaeda member says that bin Laden has placed 10 decoys, who look just like him, in Afghanistan to foil U.S. attempts to capture him. The London-based al-Hayat daily quotes ?Abul Noor? (a pseudonym) as... continued

Planes Drop Mysterious Powder–Update

November 17, 2001
Officials have dismissed the spraying of white powder over the Grassmire subdivision in Clarksville, Tennessee late Thursday afternoon as a coincidence. There were rumors that a plane or helicopter spread a mysterious substance over the neighborhood, according to FBI Special... continued

Major Leonids Show This Weekend

November 16, 2001
First we get a rare chance to view the magical colors of the aurora borealis?now we can see the biggest Leonid fireball storm in years. The Leonid shower of 1998 was extraordinary, but the meteor rates never exceeded a few... continued

Jim Marrs: It’s All About Oil

November 16, 2001
Below is an article from Dreamland co-host Jim Marrs' website. The War on Terrorism: Fact or Fiction? "Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. "Those who do not learn from history are... continued

NASA Cost Cutting: End of Humans in Space?

November 16, 2001
The White House has replaced NASA administrator Daniel Goldin with a budget buster known for his relentless cost-cutting. President Bush has nominated Sean O?Keefe, deputy director of the Office of Management and Budget, to the top job at the National... continued