Planes Drop Mysterious Powder–Update

November 17, 2001
Officials have dismissed the spraying of white powder over the Grassmire subdivision in Clarksville, Tennessee late Thursday afternoon as a coincidence. There were rumors that a plane or helicopter spread a mysterious substance over the neighborhood, according to FBI Special... continued

Major Leonids Show This Weekend

November 16, 2001
First we get a rare chance to view the magical colors of the aurora borealis?now we can see the biggest Leonid fireball storm in years. The Leonid shower of 1998 was extraordinary, but the meteor rates never exceeded a few... continued

Jim Marrs: It’s All About Oil

November 16, 2001
Below is an article from Dreamland co-host Jim Marrs' website. The War on Terrorism: Fact or Fiction? "Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. "Those who do not learn from history are... continued

NASA Cost Cutting: End of Humans in Space?

November 16, 2001
The White House has replaced NASA administrator Daniel Goldin with a budget buster known for his relentless cost-cutting. President Bush has nominated Sean O?Keefe, deputy director of the Office of Management and Budget, to the top job at the National... continued

Planes Drop Mysterious Powder On City

November 16, 2001
Hundreds of residents of Clarksville, Tennessee town have been told to stay indoors and turn off their air conditioners after small, ultra-light planes dropped a mysterious, powdery substance over 2 subdivisions there on Thursday evening. The unknown substance was dropped... continued

Evidence of Major Asteroid Hit

November 15, 2001
About 35 million years ago, when dinosaurs were already extinct but the Appalachian Mountains were still covered in tropical rain forests, an asteroid more than a mile wide, moving at supersonic speed, crashed into the Atlantic Ocean off North America.... continued

Foot & Mouth Disease Arrived in Dust Storm

November 15, 2001
Britain?s foot and mouth epidemic may have been caused by a cloud of infected dust blown from the Sahara, according to scientists. They have linked the outbreak to a massive cloud of sand that swirled out of northern Africa several... continued

Bin Laden Nuclear Plans Found

November 15, 2001
Osama bin Laden?s detailed plans for nuclear devices and other terrorist bombs were found in one of its Kabul headquarters. The partly burned documents were left in a hastily abandoned safe house. Written in Arabic, German, Urdu and English, the... continued

Extinction Can Be Good for You

November 15, 2001
An newly-evolved species has a much better chance of surviving for a long time if it first appears right after a mass extinction. University of Cincinnati geologist Arnold Miller has found that the trend holds true no matter what was... continued

Sinking Nation Asked to Accept Refugees

November 14, 2001
Four months after refusing to take in migrants from the tiny, sinking Pacific nation of Tuvalu, Australia has asked Tuvalu to take in Middle East emigrants seeking asylum. Australia has turned away about 1,500 asylum seekers since August, sending many... continued