Pakistanis Riot Against U.S.

November 9, 2001
Four pro-Taliban, anti-U.S. demonstrators who were blocking a railway line have been shot dead by police in Pakistan. The group blocked the railway line with rocks, preventing a train from leaving. They also took three policemen as hostages, but later... continued

Egyptians May Have Used Kites to Build Pyramids

November 9, 2001
Maureen Clemmons, an aeronautics professor at the California Institute of Technology, thinks the ancient Egyptians may have used kites to build the Pyramids. No one has ever figured out how the Egyptians, who did not have the wheel, were able... continued

Asteroid Threat Less Than Previously Thought

November 9, 2001
One less thing to worry about: astronomers have decided that we are much less likely to get wiped out by a big asteroid than previously thought. The odds are only about 1 in 5,000 that an asteroid big enough to... continued

England Says UFOs Not Real

November 8, 2001
After more than 50 years, Britain?s Directorate of Intelligence, Scientific and Technical has abandoned its search for UFOs and ETs. Since the early 1950s, reports of UFO sightings by members of the public and military personnel have been logged by... continued

Wave of UFOs in Texas

November 8, 2001 reports there is a UFO wave in Texas, with over a dozen sightings. In Houston, Robert Thompson reported that on October 25, 2001, he was awake at 1:30 am and saw what I believes was a UFO. ?It didn?t... continued

How to Win With Ebay

November 8, 2001
A three-year survey of bidding behavior on the online auction site eBay shows what to avoid if you want to get a bargain: lots that are illustrated, lots from regular sellers, weekend bidding and long auctions. The research, conducted on... continued

Why It?s Good to Sweat

November 8, 2001
Sweating appears to be an essential part of the body?s defense against bacteria. Birgit Schittek and her team at the University of T NOTE: This news story, previously published on our old site, will have any links removed. continued

Scientists Prove Homeopathic Remedies Work

November 8, 2001
Scientists in South Korea have made a discovery that explains why homeopathic remedies work. It has to do with what happens when you dissolve a substance in water and then add more water. The discovery could provide the first scientific... continued

Ozone: This Year?s Hole & A New Way to Destroy Anthrax

November 7, 2001
With all the news coming out about terrorist attacks, we tend to forget about our old nemesis, the ozone hole. How big is it this year, anyway? Each year around August the ozone hole begins to open as light from... continued

Rare Sighting of Aurora Borealis in the South

November 7, 2001
The aurora borealis is appearing across the country, as far south as California and Georgia. If you look up in the sky, you?re likely to see a shimmering display of red and green lights. The colorful streaks, also known as... continued