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Monsters in the U.S. and a Plot to Catch Nessie
November 2, 2001The U.S. is filled with legends about strange, unidentified creatures. One of these is known as the Loveland Frog. In the early hours of Feb. 3, 1972, Loveland police officer Ray Shockey pulled over to investigate a strange animal on... continued
Major CIA bin Laden Blunder Reported
November 2, 2001Radio France International and the French newspaper Le Figaro have reported that a CIA agent met Osama bin Laden in a hospital in July and received ?precise information? about an imminent attack on the U.S. The agent met bin Laden... continued
Iraq TV Says U.S. Will Be Attacked in Mid-November
November 2, 2001The following story was read in Arabic over the official Iraqi government TV network on November 1st: ?Saudi opposition sources announced yesterday that Al-Queda activists, led by Saudi opposition figure Osama Bin Ladin, said by telephone that an attack is... continued
Chupacabras Are Back?in Mexico
November 2, 2001A family of farmers in the Mexican state of Chihuahua say the mysterious vampire-like creatures known as ?chupacabras? or ?goat suckers? killed and sucked the blood of more than 60 of their sheep in the weeks before Halloween. Notimex, the... continued
Indonesian ‘Little Man of the Forest’ Found
November 1, 2001A group of British explorers say they?ve found irrefutable proof of a ?Yeti-like? creature on an Indonesian island. They discovered a footprint and hair samples of a primate whichhas long been known in the mythology of tribes in Western Sumatra.... continued
Subliminal Message Found to Work
November 1, 2001For years, advertisers have been telling us that subliminal messages really don't work. Think again. Takeo Watanabe and his colleagues at Boston University believe that subconscious learning is possible and that it may affect our conscious decisions without our realizing... continued
911 Prediction that May Be Real
November 1, 2001We?ve heard many urban legends about psychics who predicted the September 11 events (although we didn?t hear about them until after the terrorist attacks happened). We?ve heard creepy stories that appear to be true, about school children from Middle Eastern... continued
Insight: The Next Sound You Hear
November 1, 2001What will be next? Will the terrorists strike again . . . and if they do, what might it be? John L. Petersen founding director of the Arlington Institute addresses these questions from the viewpoint of a futurist in a... continued
Possible Anthrax Couriers Found–Jets on the Ground
October 31, 2001Two incoming Northwest Airlines flights were detained by FAA officials in Seattle and San Francisco on suspicion that they could be carrying couriers with anthrax. Two men on Northwest Flight 8 from Tokyo to Seattle were detained and then released.... continued
Blue Moon Halloween
October 31, 2001Tonight the moon will be full and the Seven Sisters at the top of the sky. This is the first Halloween since 1955 that there has been a full moon, and will be the last until 2020. At midnight, the... continued