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Possible Anthrax Couriers Found–Jets on the Ground
October 31, 2001Two incoming Northwest Airlines flights were detained by FAA officials in Seattle and San Francisco on suspicion that they could be carrying couriers with anthrax. Two men on Northwest Flight 8 from Tokyo to Seattle were detained and then released.... continued
Blue Moon Halloween
October 31, 2001Tonight the moon will be full and the Seven Sisters at the top of the sky. This is the first Halloween since 1955 that there has been a full moon, and will be the last until 2020. At midnight, the... continued
Little Ghostlies for Halloween Fun
October 31, 2001Cellphones Drown Out Ghosts. Tony Cornell, of the Society for Psychical Research, says reports of ghost sightings started to decline when mobile phones were introduced 15 years ago. ?Ghost sightings have remained consistent for centuries. Until three years ago we?d... continued
Did Saddam Send the Anthrax? Experts Say Yes.
October 30, 2001While the US Administration, at the urging of Secretary of State Colin Powell, continues to ignore Saddam Hussein, evidence builds that he is not only an architect of the Attack on America, but also the source of the anthrax spores... continued
Grow New Body Parts?Or Even Better, Become a Robot
October 30, 2001A Nigerian woman will have a new nose grown on her arm as part of surgery that will be done in Scotland to rebuild her face. Madina Yusuff is a victim of the flesh-wasting condition called Noma, which destroys cheek,... continued
Chilbolton, Milk Hill Crop Circle Test Results
October 29, 2001Dreamland science reporter Linda Howe gave a report about the most spectacular crop circles of the 2001 season on our October 27 show and has the details on her website, Earthfiles.com. On August 12, an enormous 787-foot-diameter six-armed formation of... continued
Anthrax May be US Made
October 29, 2001It has been discovered that the bacteria used for the anthrax attacks in the U.S. is either the strain we used to make anthrax weapons in the 1960s, or close to it. It is not a strain that Iraq or... continued
Suspected Terrorist Stowaway Found in Italy
October 29, 2001Italian police found a terrorist suspect stowed away in a shipping container with a Canadian passport and maps and security passes for Canadian airports. When they discovered the mysterious Egyptian man, he was well dressed, clean-shaven and equipped with a... continued
Ashcroft Warns of New ‘Credible Threat’
October 29, 2001A new threat of a possible terrorist attack against the domestic United States has been uncovered by investigators. Attorney General John Ashcroft has described this threat as 'credible,' and has issued a terrorist threat advisory to law enforcement entities around... continued
Another Giant Snake Story–This Time in Pennsylvania
October 29, 2001An Unknowncountry.com reader from of Pennsylvania writes: ?Regarding your item on the South Dakota snake sighting, there has been a legend of a giant snake in the Broad Top Mountains of south-central Pennsylvania for many years. The snake resembles an... continued