Geologist Recognizes bin Laden Hideout

October 19, 2001
A geologist says he knows where Osama bin Laden is hiding because he recognizes the rocks behind him in the video he released after the September 11 attacks. John Ford Shroder, who spent years living in Afghanistan, says that particular... continued

Powerful Quake in Indonesia

October 19, 2001
An earthquake measuring 7.4 on the Richter Scale has just been recorded in the area of the Banda Sea in Indonesia. The Banda Islands and Spice Islands are located in this region. This is the latest in a series of... continued

The Lady Draws a Line in the Sand

October 19, 2001
Anne Strieber weighs in with a compelling diary entry about just why this old time peacenick has planted a flag in her front yard. There is a time for everything, and right now it's time to face some hard facts... continued

Russia May Be Source of Anthrax

October 19, 2001
The hunt for the source of the weapons-grade anthrax that has been used in recent attacks on the media and the government has led investigators down many false roads. The focus has been on Iraq, but according to the world?s... continued

Freedom of Information Limited Due to War

October 18, 2001
Attorney General John Ashcroft has issued a new statement requesting that federal agencies resist giving out Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) information whenever they have legal grounds to do so. This new statement takes the place of a 1993 memorandum... continued

Anthrax hits CBS News and Nairobi

October 18, 2001
A CBS News employee has tested positive for anthrax infection, meaning that all 3 major television networks have been targeted by terrorists. The FBI has posted a $1 million reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the... continued

Record Number of Tornados Stuns Weather Observers

October 18, 2001
The 83 tornadoes that have hit the United States so far this month set a record for the first half of October, according to the National Weather Service. Last week alone 59 twisters struck. ?Despite the record number of tornadoes,... continued

Syrians Sign Up for Flight Lessons

October 17, 2001 reports that in the past two days, 14 Syrian men entered Texas on student visas to attend flight schools at Fort Worth?s Meacham International Airport. The State Department lists Syria as a state sponsor of terrorism. Other counties on... continued

Daschle Office was Hit by Weaponized Anthrax

October 17, 2001
When he was President, George Bush, Sr., considered using nuclear weapons against Iraq if Saddam Hussein resorted to biological warfare. The form of anthrax found in a letter to Senate Majority leader Tom Daschle is one of its most potent... continued

Senator Backs Pressure on Iraq

October 17, 2001
Senator Joseph Lieberman has urged the Bush administration to support democratic opponents of President Saddam Hussein of Iraq, the same way we are supporting opposition to the Taliban in Afghanistan. However, he stopped short of calling for an immediate military... continued