American Media Mailroom Worker Now Has Pulmonary Anthrax

October 16, 2001
Despite the fact that it was believed a few days ago that Ernesto Blanca, the 73-year old American Media employee who was exposed to anthrax, had been safely placed on antibiotics, he has been diagnosed with the pulmonary form of... continued

Afghan Women Fight Back

October 16, 2001
In the October 16 issue of the Los Angeles Times, Rone Tempest reports on the women who live in the Khaiwa Refugee Camp in Pakistan. Camps such as these, on the Pakistani-Afghan border, have long been breeding grounds for fundamentalist... continued

Baby of ABC News Employee Has Anthrax

October 15, 2001
The baby of an ABC News employee has tested positive for cutaneous anthrax. Until now, there had been no reports of any suspicious envelopes or other signs of an anthrax attack at ABC News. The child had visited the set... continued

LA Break-In Raises Question: Are Water and Food Supplies Safe?

October 15, 2001
The FBI is looking into a recent break-in at a construction site in California, where thieves stole several map books that describe the water supply for 22 Bay Area cities, including Oakland and Berkeley, along with a tool used to... continued

Some NY Mideasterners Got 911 Warning

October 15, 2001
Federal investigators have received evidence that some Middle Easterners in the New York area were warned ahead of time to stay out of lower Manhattan the morning of Sept. 11, according to the New York Daily News. The FBI was... continued

Daschle Office Gets Anthrax; Bush Says Possible Terror Link

October 15, 2001
When an envelope containing anthrax arrived as the office of Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, the question of who is behind this terror attack was raised anew. President Bush stated that there is a possible terror link, and the question... continued

Giant Impact Gave Birth to the Moon

October 14, 2001
Analysis of lunar samples returned by the Apollo astronauts confirms previous indications that the ratios of the different types, or isotopes, of oxygen in the Moon?s soil are similar to those of Earth. It is a finding that is consistent... continued

Secret School Excerpt

October 14, 2001
A little boy is taken out of his life, and made to confront a strange machine. Maybe he resists, maybe he even screams. But he looks in it, he cannot resist, first once and then many times. He sees a... continued

Words in Celebration of God and Man

October 14, 2001
"In this difficult time," Whitley Strieber states in the introduction to this new addition to our audio files, "we would like to make part of our website a place of refuge." He has selected a group of readings, ranging from... continued

Should We Feel Guilty?

October 13, 2001
In her new Diary, Anne Strieber addresses a question that is fundamental to the national debate over how to conduct our new war: should we feel guilty about the poverty of the third world, which is where all of the... continued