In Afghanistan, Winter Kills

October 2, 2001
Death is descending on the border region between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Aside from the upcoming war, a starving mass of human beings are experiencing the worst drought in 30 years and the approaching bitter winter. For Julian Smith, Save the... continued

New Anne’s Diary: She Explores the Saudi Connection

October 2, 2001
Anne Strieber's new diary entry explores the importance of the Wahhabi sect in the current conflict, and points out that this sect, which began in Saudi Arabia, is extremely intolerant and has a long history of violence. It is also... continued

UN About to End Supplement Industry: A Call to Arms

October 1, 2001
Ruth James of has issued a call for immediate action on the part of the people to prevent congress from allowing the UN and the WTO to end the food supplement and vitamin industries. These industries are under serious... continued

Major Quantum Communications Breakthrough

October 1, 2001
For the first time physicists have achieved quantum entanglement between two large clouds of gas. This achievement means we may live in a future that contains super-fast quantum computers, instant communication over unlimited distance, and even a sort of teleportation.... continued

Closing in on Osama

October 1, 2001
It is likely that Osama bin Laden's hideout has been located. A complex game of cat-and-mouse is being played out in world media as well as on the ground in Afghanistan. For some days, it has been believed that Osama... continued

Ashcroft: Terror Attacks ‘Clear and Present Danger’

September 30, 2001
Attorney General John Ashcroft said today on CNN'S "Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer" that there could still be terrrorists operating in the US and that more attacks are possible. Ashcroft said, "it's very unlikely that all of those associated with... continued

Pakistan Press Reports Attack Against Taliban Begins

September 30, 2001
Legendary Afghani leader Ismail Khan is moving against the southern Afghan city of Kandahar, considered the spiritual capital of the Taliban movement, according to news reports from Pakistan. Khan, who gained his reputation as defender of Herat during a Russian... continued

Insight: Have You Stopped Eating Well?

September 29, 2001
During a time of stress like this, we tend to eat less well. This is the last thing we need. Our bodies need good nutrition as never before. A wise Dreamland listener who is also a grocer has noticed that... continued

New Whitley’s Journal

September 29, 2001
Whitley has produced a powerful new journal entry about what we REALLY need to do to stop the terrorist threat, beyond improving security at home and rolling up terrorist networks. We need to take a whole new look at the... continued

Efforts to Get bin Laden to Leave Intensify

September 28, 2001
As substantial military forces gathered throughout the middle east and Turkish foreign minister Ismail Chem met senior Bush administration official in Washington today, efforts to get Osama bin Laden to leave Afghanistan intensified today. A delegation consisting of a general... continued