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An Israeli Spy Shares His Secrets
September 19, 2001This is an interview with former Mossad agent Gad Shimron, translated from the German. It was originally printed in the Berlin newspaper Die Welt on September 15. DIE WELT: ?Assignment of blame is becoming more and more definite. U.S. Secretary... continued
British Concept of the War Plan
September 19, 2001English special forces troops are preparing to join American special forces in a swoop aimed at devastating terrorist training camps in Afghanistan under plans for a swift retaliation for last week?s terrorist attacks on the U.S., according the the British... continued
September 19, 2001The FBI is asking all U.S. agricultural-use airplane operators to be on high alert for any suspicious behavior as they fly their crop dusters, for fear that terrorists will try to use them to spread chemical or biological warfare agents.... continued
Massive Short-Selling Before the Attack…Somebody Knew
September 18, 2001According to the Times of London, the CIA has asked financial regulators in the UK to investigate the suspicious short-selling of millions of shares of stocks in companies likely to be hurt by the Attack on America in the weeks... continued
Hijacker Met with Iraqi Intelligence Officials
September 18, 2001Mohammed Atta, who is suspected of being one of the hijackers aboard the first plane that struck the World Trade Center on Tuesday, met earlier this year with an Iraqi intelligence official in Europe, according to a U.S. government source.... continued
Whitley’s ‘What I Love About America’ Statement
September 17, 2001We have received hundreds of requests to listen again to the beautiful statement about America that Whitley made on Dreamland on Saturday, September 15. This two and a half minute statement is available as an Inside Interview, and you can... continued
Linda Howe bin Laden Report
September 17, 2001On Saturday night's Dreamland, Linda Moulton Howe made a report on Osama bin Laden which we are getting many requests to hear again. Linda offers it in text format on her website, and you can read it by clicking here.... continued
Where Do Terrorists Come From?
September 17, 2001Where do terrorists come from? How can you convince someone to commit suicide in order to kill innocent civilians, by strapping on a bomb or piloting an airplane into a building? An English school librarian who witnessed Muslim pupils celebrating... continued
Anne’s Diary: War in the Name of God
September 17, 2001Anne Strieber's new diary entry reflects on the futility of fighting wars over religion, and makes the point that religious wars are almost always actually over other things, such as land, and that soldiers are inspired by cynical leaders to... continued
NY Times Reports on Montana Cattle Mutes–Rationally
September 17, 2001The relentlessly skeptical New York Times published an article on cattle mutilations on September 17 with the headline: ?Unsolved Mystery Resurfaces in Montana: Who?s Killing Cows.? It's an amazing step for this publication to admit that the cattle mutilations are... continued