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A Message from Deepak Chopra: The Deeper Wound
September 13, 2001We received this message from Deepak Chopra by e-mail. It is the opinion of Dr. Chopra, not necessarily that of Unknowncountry.com or Whitley Strieber. It asks questions that we must all be asking ourselves over the coming months and years,... continued
A Message From His Holiness the Dalai Lama
September 13, 2001Unknowncountry.com has received this e-mail of a letter from the Dalai Lama to President Bush. Tibetians living in Dharamsala are offering prayer on behalf of the victims of the tragedy. His Holiness The Dalai Lama's message to President George Bush:... continued
Taliban Appointed Bin Laden Armed Forces Head
September 13, 2001On August 30, it was reported by Russia that their foreign ministry condemned the appointment of Saudi terrorism suspect Osama bin Laden as the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of Afghanistan?s ruling Taliban government. Russian media quoted Pakistan?s Nation newspaper... continued
John Hogue on Nostradamus
September 13, 2001John Hogue's website. Hogueprophecy.com may be temporarily unavailable due to high traffic. He has asked us to post this message prior to his Saturday appearance on Dreamland. BULLETIN FOR THE WORLD TRADE BOMBING From John Hogue, Nostradamus Scholar. (Sept. 11,... continued
John Hogue on the Nostradamus ‘New City’ Prophecy on Dreamland
September 12, 2001Many, many people have written in the past twenty-four hours calling attention to the Nostradamus prophecies that seem to relate directly to the World Trade Center bombing. In fact, there does appear to be a major connection. But is it... continued
New Anne’s Diary: This Time It’s Us
September 12, 2001Anne Strieber has responded to the terrorist assault on our country with the insight and quiet wisdom that has become her hallmark.But this is no ordinary diary entry--gentle, wise and subtly humorous. A human heart is crying out for all... continued
WTC Fire Visible From Space
September 12, 2001Smoke from the collapse of the World Trade Center could be seen by astronauts aboard the International Space Station Tuesday from 240 miles above Earth. U.S. Astronaut Frank Culbertson, along with Russian cosmonauts Vladimir Dezhurov and Mikhail Turin, spotted clouds... continued
Whitley’s Journal: What Next?
September 12, 2001Whitley has some very unique and specific ideas about what we need to do to solve the problem of terrorism. They involve a judicious use of military power, a return to a very old form of intelligence gathering and some... continued
Five Suspects Detained in Boston
September 12, 2001Authorities in Massachusetts have arrested at least five Arab men as suspects in yesterday?s terror attacks launched from Logan International Airport in Boston. As with the earlier bombing of the World Trade Center, evidence centers around a rental car. Authorities... continued
September 11, 2001Yasir Arafat and the Taliban Ambassador to Pakistan have both condemned terrorist attacks on the United States. From Kabul a Taliban spokesman said that Osama bin Laden, the Saudi Dissident, "could not have been responsible for the attacks on the... continued