September 11, 2001
Top US officials are leaking information that there is evidence that master terrorist Osama bin Laden appears to be responsible for today's attack on America. Bin Laden was responsible for the attack on the USS Cole in October of 2000,... continued


September 11, 2001
Air Force One landed at Offut Air Force Base in Nebraska a few moments ago. The old US Strategic Air Command Headquarters is located at Offut., and extensive communications facilities remain available there. The president then continued on to Washington,... continued


September 11, 2001
At 6:02PM EST CNN began transmitting videotape from Kabul, Afghanistan showing explosions on the ground and incoming missiles. There are multiple detonations taking place in the city, but there is as yet no evidence of attacks elsewhere in Afghanistan. Observers... continued

2002 Crop Circle Calendar Available for Order

September 7, 2001
Lucy Pringle's new 2002 Crop Circle Calendar is on its way and will be shipping soon! It offers an unforgettable collection of crop circle masterpieces selected by one of the field's most respected resarchers. The calendar is 24.50+S/H. To order,... continued

Antediluvian Civilization Sought in Black Sea

September 7, 2001
A team of explorers from Bulgaria and the U.S. has found the first evidence that humans lived in an area now covered by the Black Sea that may have been inundated by the flood described in the Bible. Many ancient... continued

Universe Could Turn To Jelly

September 6, 2001
A particle physicist has announced that the universe could turn to jelly. If this happens, the gel-effect will spread at the speed of light from its point of origin until the entire universe has gelled. Dr. Benjamin Allanach has stated... continued

It?s Hurricane Season, So Where Are the Hurricanes?

September 6, 2001
For the first time in 17 years, the hurricane season has gone 97 days without a hurricane, and scientists don?t know why. The last time the Atlantic-Caribbean season ran this long with no hurricanes was 1984, until Hurricane Diana arrived... continued

Tornado Spreads Genitically Modified Seeds Far and Wide

September 6, 2001
A tornado in Canada cut through fields filled with genetically modified canola plants. ?The tornado actually picked up the canola plants and actually wrapped them around these trees,? says farmer Vic Martens. The seeds from that crop were blown into... continued

FAA Radar Showed Carteret Lights

September 6, 2001
The Wednesday, September 5 edition of Filers Files reports that on July 25 the National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS) sent a Freedom of Information Act request to the FAA asking for the radar tapes for July 14-15, the period... continued

Bigfoot Stored in Freezer?Or Not

September 5, 2001
A few weeks ago, we received news claiming that the mystery of Sasquatch was finally solved. Bank security guard Simon Garth of South Carolina said he had a Bigfoot corpse stored in his freezer. 30-year-old Garth claimed he shot and... continued