The Good Guys Win One: Senate Committee Puts Off Secrecy Bill

September 5, 2001
The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence today decided to postpone action on a controversial bill that would have given the executive branch unprecedented power to crack down on alleged security leakers. President Clinton vetoed the measure last year, and Senator... continued

Computer Worm: FBI Had Advance Warning

September 5, 2001
The Code Red computer worm is finally slowing down, after infecting thousands of computers. The security company that first discovered the computer virus says the swift-moving worm might have been stopped much sooner if not for the FBI?s caution about... continued

Do Mysterious Fish Deaths Explain Shark Attacks?

September 4, 2001
Mysterious Fish Deaths Around the World We recently reported that hundreds of dead fish are washing up on the shores of Lake Erie in the U.S. Now we?ve learned that an official investigation in Kuwait has been unable to determine... continued

Thirsty LA Sinking Fast

September 4, 2001
Scientists trying to isolate which faults under Southern California present the greatest earthquake hazard have found that people have a bigger impact on local ground motion than tectonic activity does. Groundwater pumping is apparently causing the Earth?s surface to rise... continued

Western Wildfires Causing Mercury Pollution

September 1, 2001
Mercury Pollution from Wildfires As thousands of acres continue to burn across the western United States, scientists from The National Center for Atmospheric Research and the University of Washington are flying over the wildfires to measure mercury emissions in their... continued

Dangerous New Secrecy Legislation Threatened

September 1, 2001
One of the most awful pieces of legislation in recent history is now under consideration by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, with hearings scheduled on September 5, 2001. It is designed to criminalize government whistleblowing and 'leaks.' (It is... continued

Maine Lights Mystery Grows

September 1, 2001
Accounts of strange, loud noises and mysterious lights in the sky have been coming from witnesses in Maine. No explanations have been found, but the number of theories is growing. An astronomer in Greene suggests meteor fragments burning up in... continued

Video Buffs Alleged to Damage Silbury Hill

August 30, 2001
Video buffs looking for crop circle secrets climbed into Silbury Hill in Wiltshire, allegedly damaging the biggest man-made Neolithic mound in Europe. The fields surrounding the hill are where the largest and most intricate crop circles have appeared, and some... continued

Undersea Landslide Could be US, Europe Threat

August 30, 2001
The East Coast of the United States could be hit by giant ocean waves if a dormant volcano on the other side of the Atlantic erupts. An eruption of the Cumbre Vieja volcano in the Canary Islands could cause a... continued

Dutch Scientists to Try to Create Crop Circles Using Plasmas

August 28, 2001
Every year in The Netherlands 20 to100 crop circles mysteriously appear in wheat fields. They remain a mystery, but new research, reported in the scientific journal Physiologia Plantarum, may help clear up their origins. Dr. Eltjo Haselhoff is the author... continued