Bentwaters UFO Document Release

August 28, 2001
English Ministry of Defense documents about Britain?s best documented UFO landing have just been released. The secret papers on the incident at the U.S. Bentwaters base in Suffolk in 1980 were uncovered by the author David Clarke, a researcher at... continued

Malaysian Bomoh Claims Vampire Capture

August 28, 2001
Hairul Hambali, a spiritual healer, or bomoh, in Malaysia, who claims to have caught a shape-changing vampire the size of two tennis balls, has made prime-time television and newspaper headlines. The vampire resembles a big wad of cotton with a... continued

Mount Rainier Could Erupt

August 27, 2001
There is evidence that Mt. Rainier, within sight of Seattle, is getting closer to an eruption. Reports from Canadian sources monitoring the mountain say that a possible volcanic eruption is coming soon, although this was quickly dismissed by the U.S... continued

Massive Lake Erie Fish Kill

August 27, 2001
Thousands of dead fish are washing up on the shores of Lake Erie and the cause of the deaths is unknown. Fish carcasses lie rotting in coves and on beaches. The stench has gotten so bad that it?s forced homeowners... continued

ET Communication or Hoax?

August 25, 2001
Two unusual crop formations have appeared in a field near a British radio telescope. One of them is a schematic similar to an image transmitted by the Arecibo radio telescope in 1974. The broadcast consisted of a transmission of a... continued

Linda Howe Crop Circle Special on Dreamland Tonight

August 25, 2001
Linda Moulton Howe will present a one hour special tonight on Dreamland about the developing crop circle situation in England. The special will cover the Milk Hill fractal and the two Chilbolton formations. Noted crop circle researcher Charles Mallett will... continued

Major Solar Flare Erupts

August 25, 2001
The most powerful solar flare since April has unexpectedly erupted, causing radio blackouts across the sunlit side of the earth at this time. Sunspot group AR9591 unleashed the flare at 12:45PM Eastern Daylight Time today. The explosion also sent a... continued

Startling Chilbolton Discovery

August 25, 2001
On June 13, 1999, a crop formation was discovered at Chilbolton that represented a Sierpenski Sieve, a type of fractal that is used in the construction of Fractal antennas. The formation appeared close to the Chilbolton Radio Telescope, in the... continued

Surprise Finding: Auto Emission Kill More than Wrecks

August 24, 2001
Pollution from cars and trucks kills more people than traffic crashes. Researchers, in a study in the journal Science, say cutting greenhouse gases in four cities they studied -- Sao Paulo, Brazil; Mexico City; Santiago, Chile; and New York City... continued

New Solar Systems Discovered–One Like Ours

August 24, 2001
Astronomers from the University of California in Berkeley have discovered the first solar system other than our own where multiple planets travel in circular orbits around a star. More than 70 planets have been found outside our solar system, but... continued