New Solar Systems Discovered–One Like Ours

August 24, 2001
Astronomers from the University of California in Berkeley have discovered the first solar system other than our own where multiple planets travel in circular orbits around a star. More than 70 planets have been found outside our solar system, but... continued

The Taos Hum is Back–But Now It’s in Germany

August 23, 2001
Hundreds of people in Germany are being driven to distraction by a mysterious hum. A similar sound has been driving people crazy in the U.S.?first in Taos, New Mexico in the mid 1990s and more recently in Indiana. Many people... continued

Attempt to Drain Dangerous Volcano Crater

August 23, 2001
A dozen tribesmen with picks and shovels climbed the Mount Pinatubo volcano last week on the dangerous mission to drain the crater lake that threatens their villages with massive floods if the volcano explodes, as it is threatening to do.... continued

Cosmic Rays May Cause Ozone Holes

August 21, 2001
Cosmic rays are eating away at the Earth?s protective ozone layer, according to Canadian radiation scientists Qing-Bin Lu and Leon Sanche of the University of Sherbrooke. They claim to have discovered an important process underlying the growing ozone hole over... continued

Parallel Universes May Be Physically Real

August 21, 2001
The September 2001 issue of Discover Magazine has an interview with physicist David Deutsch of Oxford University in English, who believes that parallel universes are real. If Deutsch?s ideas are correct, there is more than one ?you,? and you are... continued

Have Crop Circles Increased as UK Quarantine Ends?

August 20, 2001
How has foot-and-mouth disease, which closed off access to the English countryside for much of the summer, affected the number of crop circles that have appeared this year? According to BBC News, the numbers have increased dramatically. Wiltshire farmer Tim... continued

Hole in Silbury Hill Under Repair

August 20, 2001
Engineers are completing repairs to a hole that appeared 2 years ago on the top of Silbury Hill in the midst of crop circle country, and hope to unlock some of its mysteries. English Heritage, which oversees the site, says... continued

Unusual Solar Storm

August 19, 2001
Earth was struck by an unexpected proton storm from the sun on Thursday, August 16. The proton count around our planet rose to 1000 times normal. Scientists were taken by surprise, both by the storm itself and by the speed... continued

Ancient Prophets High On Gas

August 17, 2001
The ancient prophecies made at Delphi may have been inspired by natural gas,according to U.S. geologists. Geological surveysof the site of the Greek Temple of Apollo, where Greeks and Romans tooktheir prophesies from a mysterious female prophet, reveal that the... continued

Tracking Triangle-Shaped UFOs

August 17, 2001
For the last several years, the National Institute for Discovery Science(NIDS) in Las Vegas has been collecting historical and eyewitness accountsof sightings of triangular UFOs. "Calls regarding low-flying triangularobjects have been coming in pretty steady for the last 18 months,"... continued