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Population Bomb May Not Explode
August 17, 2001The foreboding threat of world disaster from explosive population growthcould turn out to be overly alarmist, according the authors of a newdemographic study. Their forecast shows there's a high chance that the world's population will stop growing before the end... continued
Terrors of the Deep
August 17, 2001Hundreds of sharks were recently sighted off central Florida's west coast,prompting officials to warn swimmers and scientists to wonder what luredthem there. Bull sharks, hammerheads and nurse sharks were among those spotted in theshallow waters of the Gulf of Mexico,... continued
Constipation May Lead to Parkinsons
August 17, 2001It has been discovered that men who suffer from constipation are more likelyto get diagnosed with the progressive brain disease Parkinson's. Scientistsdon't know why this is the case, although some have suggested that thedisease may have some effect on the... continued
Crop Circle Masterpiece Awes Observers
August 17, 2001What may be the most magnificent crop circle ever formed was discovered in the English county of Wiltshire on August 13. The formation is nine hundred feet across and consists of a flawlessly rendered Julia set of masterful design. Crop... continued
Ancient Prophets High On Gas
August 17, 2001The ancient prophecies made at Delphi may have been inspired by natural gas,according to U.S. geologists. Geological surveysof the site of the Greek Temple of Apollo, where Greeks and Romans tooktheir prophesies from a mysterious female prophet, reveal that the... continued
Changes in the Basic Laws of Nature
August 16, 2001The basic laws of nature may be changing as the universe ages, according toan international group of astrophysicists from United States, Australia andBritain. This could change our fundamental assumptions about the way theuniverse works. Using the world's largest telescope, the... continued
New DNA Found in GM Food
August 16, 2001An unidentified fragment of DNA has been detected by Belgian scientists inMonsanto's Roundup Ready soya. Greenpeace is asking scientists worldwide tohelp identify it andis urging the government in the U.K. to suspend sales of the soya until itcan be identified.... continued
Spy Satellites In Wrong Orbits
August 16, 2001America's spy satellites are not in the orbits the Pentagon says they're in,according to a Harvard space analyst. If satellite orbits cannot be trusted,there will be major problems for future space-based anti-missile lasers andanti-satellite weapons, if space-based weaponry is approved... continued
When a Glacier Melts
August 16, 2001A portion of the glacier atop Mount Rainier in Washington State has melted,sending tons of water down the Nisqually River and causing the river levelto rise. The melt is believed to have occurred at the Kautz Glacier or thenearby Van... continued
Finally–Mad Cow Medicine
August 15, 2001Drugs used to treat malaria and schizophrenia may be able to defeat theinfectious proteins that cause the human equivalent of mad cow disease.University of California at San Francisco researchers found the drugs wereeffective in treating mouse cells infected with proteins... continued