Rusting Russian Subs May Be the Next Chernobyl

August 14, 2001
In Murmansk's nuclear graveyard in Russia, three nuclear submarines with thedestructive power of 200 nuclear bombs lie rusting in the icy water. Thesubmarines will never be used again. These vessels, and dozens of otherslike them, could cause a catastrophe which... continued

Mysterious Goo in Minnesota

August 13, 2001
Some people call it "goo" - others think it looks like clear globs oftapioca pudding.But so far, nobody knows for sure what the clear globules are that have beenshowing up in Lake Superior over the past few days. Swimmers have... continued

English Coast Drowns & Twisters Hit Hard

August 13, 2001
Scientists are compiling the first detailed map of Britain's recedingcoastline, which is drowning due to rising ocean levels. The project isbeing carried out at Filey on the northeast coast of England, where land isdisappearing at a rate of 10 inches... continued

Crop Circle Changes As Researchers Watch

August 11, 2001
From Linda Moulton Howe: On August 1, 2001, Robert Boerman, crop circle researcher and producer of the Dutch crop circle website, received a report of a new formation in Stadskanaal shaped like a scorpion with a tail made up of... continued

Linda Moulton Howe Extra on Dreamland

August 11, 2001
Tonight on Dreamland, there will be a one-hour Linda Moulton Howe extra on the story just in of Dutch Crop Circle researchers witnessing the formation of a crop circle. This is the first time that researchers have observed this phenomenon... continued

Police Ask Scientific Group to Investigate Cattle Mutilations

August 11, 2001
Police in Montana investigating cattle mutilations are so frustrated that they have asked the National Institute for Discovery Science, a Nevada research institute dedicated to the study of anomalies, for help. Ranchers in Dupuyer and Fort Shaw have reported four... continued

Dead Sea Will Disappear

August 10, 2001
Environmentalists in Jordan are warning that the Dead Sea will disappear by the year 2050 if its level continues to drop at the current rate. Friends of the Earth (Middle East) has stepped up a campaign to try to save... continued

Turkish Pilots Spot UFO

August 9, 2001
While on a routine training flight off the Turkish Aegean coastal town of Candarli, two Turkish air force trainee pilots saw a bright object that approached their plane at high speed and reportedly gyrated around them for about a half... continued

Sun Flu & Margarine Asthma

August 9, 2001
Flu epidemics have long been known to recur in a pattern. Solar magnetic activity (sunspots) has a similar pattern, recurring in an 11-year cycle. This coincidence prompted three Canadian researchers?an astrophysicist, an epidemiologist, and a physician? to look for a... continued

Teaching Can Be Deadly

August 8, 2001
Teachers are more likely to die from an autoimmune disease than other professionals, according to US researchers. They hope the finding will help to unravel the causes of multiple sclerosis and other disorders in which the immune system turns against... continued