What Caused 6th Century Catastrophe…and Could it Happen Again?

August 1, 2001
Scholars have been searching for years to find out what caused a worldwide catastrophe in the middle of the 6th century. A cryptic entry in the Winchester manuscript of the Anglo Saxon Chronicle notes that on Feb. 15, 538 AD... continued

Black Death Found to be Ebola

August 1, 2001
History textbooks have got it wrong about the Plague, also known as the Black Death, which they say was caused by bubonic plague spread by rats and their fleas. A new study suggests that it was in fact caused by... continued

We’ve Been Invaded by Aliens–Bacteria, That Is

August 1, 2001
A team of international researchers claims to have found what could be the first proof of life beyond our planet: clumps of extraterrestrial bacteria in the Earth?s upper atmosphere. Although they are similar to bacteria on Earth, the scientists say... continued

New Book of the Week: Last Days of Israel

August 1, 2001
The mideast is exploding, and there's one journalist with the courage to tell it like it is. In the Last Days of Israel, controversial journalist Barry Chamish asks a very simple question: is Israel on the road to destruction? His... continued

Volcano Could Drown Town

July 30, 2001
The crater of Mount Pinatubo is filling with water and scientists warn that it?s about to burst. Pinatubo erupted violently in 1991. Now the lake water level inside the crater is rising, effecting a geological fault in the crater called... continued

Dinosaurs Could be Hatched from Chicken Eggs

July 30, 2001
Scientists are planning to hatch dinosaurs from chicken eggs by turning back the evolutionary clock to when birds were dinosaurs. They believe advances in DNA technology could make such a feat possible in 60 to 100 years. Modern birds are... continued

NASA Trashed Evidence of Mars Life

July 30, 2001
A University of Southern California scientist says that experiments done more than 20 years ago on Martian soil collected by Viking landers 1 and 2 show that life exists on Mars in the form of microbes. The significance of that... continued

Sudden Climate Change Wrecked Egyptian Old Kingdom

July 30, 2001
Over Four thousand two hundred years ago, the first great civilization in Egypt collapsed. The pharaohs of the Egyptian Old Kingdom built the pyramids at Giza, one of the greatest monuments of the ancient world. But after nearly a thousand... continued

Whitley’s On Tour–Don’t Miss It!

July 28, 2001
Whitley's new novel, the Last Vampire is out and he's on tour for it this week and next week. August 8 Denver The Tattered Cover 7:30 PM. August 9 Boulder Boulder Bookstore 7:30 PM. August 13 San Francisco Booksmith 7:00... continued

Deadly Mosquitos Spread as Spray Dangers Emerge

July 27, 2001
One feared effect of a warmer climate has been the northward movement of tropical pests like the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Now the mosquito, which spreads dengue fever and sometimes even the deadly yellow fever appears to have made it to... continued