Mystery Planets Drift Through Space

June 30, 2001
NASA?s Hubble Space Telescope has spotted planet-sized objects wandering through space. What?s unique about them is that they?re loners, with no central star of their own. The lone planets were discovered when Kailash Sahu, of the Space Telescope Science Institute,... continued

Bamboo Predicts Famines

June 29, 2001
Bamboo is one of the most useful plants on earth. It is used all over the world for food, building materials, medicine, musical instruments, paper, clothing and transportation. In India, it can also predict upcoming famine. India is now working... continued

Amazon Forest May Have Only 15 Years Left

June 29, 2001
Scientists have been warning us about the destruction of the Amazon rainforest, but now U.S. scientists James Alcock, of Pennsylvania State University, says that the forest could reach a ?point of no return? in as little as 10 or 15... continued

Iraq Prepares for War

June 27, 2001
The Iraqi military has been placed on alert around Baghdad and in northern and southern Iraq. This includes the operation of anti-aircraft batteries and the opening of weapons storehouses. Iraq has obtained at least 200 tank transporters from Russia and... continued

GM Canola Becomes Uncontrollable Weed

June 27, 2001
Genetically engineered canola has become an uncontrollable weed just months after Monsanto and other manufacturers of genetically engineered seeds claimed that this would not happen. And because the plant was engineered to resist herbicides, it?s tough to kill. ?The GM... continued

Machu Picchu About to Collapse

June 26, 2001
In the wake of news about the 7.9 scale earthquake in Peru, a new disaster for the country has been revealed: the ancient city of Machu Picchu is about to fall off its mountain perch into destruction. A leading Peruvian... continued

Power Producer Intentionally Drove Up Prices

June 26, 2001
Three former workers at a power plant in suburban San Diego owned by Duke Energy told a hearing in the State Legislature that the plant?s managers shut down production units in order to drive up electricity prices. They said they... continued

Nefertiti Mummy Believed Found

June 26, 2001
Mummy of Egyptian Queen Nefertiti Found Nefertiti was known as the ?Great Royal Wife? of the pharaoh Akhenaten, who tried to radically change Egyptian culture by introducing the worship of a single God. Now Egyptologist Susan James claims to have... continued

Earthquake Strikes Peru as Philippines Volcano Erupts

June 24, 2001
Quake Predicted by Researcher An earthquake measured at 7.9 by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration struck Peru on June 23. As of June 24, the death toll stood at fifty but was expected to rise as reports came... continued

Coral May Survive Steambath Oceans

June 22, 2001
Widespread bleaching of the world?s coral reefs has spread fear that global warming, and the subsequent warming of the oceans, may kill off the coral, which is essential to ocean ecology. But according to Andrew Baker, of the New York... continued