The German U-boat Alleged to have Fought Off a Sea Monster May have been Found

October 21, 2016
During it's patrol of the Belfast Lough in Ireland on April 30, 1918, the HMS Coreopsis encountered a strange sight: a German U-Boat, surfaced in broad daylight, manned by a crew that seemed all too willing to surrender to the... continued

A Major Comet Impact may have Caused a Global Temperature Spike 55 Million Years Ago

October 20, 2016
The levels of carbon dioxide found in the atmosphere in modern times have been found to be nearly ten times higher than any other time since the extinction of the dinosaurs, 65 million years ago. The event that came the... continued

Trump’s Counterpart in Moscow Warns of War if Trump is not Elected President

October 19, 2016
The leader of Russia's Liberal Democratic Party is warning that if Hillary Clinton is elected president, it will lead to war. In a recent interview with Reuters, State Duma Chairman Vladimir Zhirinovsky said: "Americans voting for a president on Nov.... continued

Study into the Genetics of Autism Offers New Clues, as well as More Questions

October 15, 2016
A new study into the 651 genes associated with autism has been published in the medical research journal Behavior Genetics. The findings of the study, conducted by researchers at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU), lays new groundwork for understanding... continued

NASA Develops a Bandage that uses Electricity to Heal Wounds

October 14, 2016
Researchers at NASA have developed a new substance that generates minute amounts of electricity, for use in a bandage that takes advantage of an electrically-based healing process. This new substance, a polymer called polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF), produces a mild electrical... continued

Edgar Mitchell and John Podesta Talk ETs & Space Weapons in Leaked Email

October 13, 2016
 In a recently-released data-dump of emails hacked from Hillary Clinton's email account, Wikileaks included approximately 1,100 emails belonging to her campaign manager, John Podesta. Among them were two recent emails from Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell, a long-time advocate of... continued

Up to One-Third of Native Americans may have Ancient European Roots

October 12, 2016
A genetic study of the world's oldest anatomically-modern human, the body of a boy buried 24,000 years ago near Siberia's Lake Baikal, has revealed that this individual was of European ancestry. This finding is surprising, in that Lake Baikal, the... continued

Different Types of Meditation Affect Different Parts of the Brain: A Little Something for Everyone

October 11, 2016
Many of us have been there: we've taken up meditation, followed the practice to the letter, but just couldn't get into the proper state, or didn't achieve any tangible benefits. It is, however, important to remember that each of us... continued

Matthew Takes Aim at Orlando

October 8, 2016
The governors of Florida and South Carolina have warned all residents in areas that may be affected by Hurricane Matthew  to evacuate or make appropriate preparations. The storm has crossed Haiti, but with communications down over most of the island, damage... continued

Pluto May Very Well Have a Liquid Ocean, Too

October 8, 2016
As the data being transmitted by the New Horizons space probe continues to flow back to Earth, scientists poring over the information continue to find new surprises, including possible evidence that Pluto has a subsurface ocean of liquid water. Scans... continued