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Bacteria Reaches Florida in African Dust
June 22, 2001African dust clouds that cross the Atlantic into south Florida during the dry season every year, producing beautiful sunsets, may harbor dangerous bacteria and fungi that are dangerous to inhale. The dust originates in the Sahara Desert and contains fine... continued
Coral May Survive Steambath Oceans
June 22, 2001Widespread bleaching of the world?s coral reefs has spread fear that global warming, and the subsequent warming of the oceans, may kill off the coral, which is essential to ocean ecology. But according to Andrew Baker, of the New York... continued
Possible Bigfoot Tracks Found in Canada
June 22, 200114 Inch Prints Near Hudson Bay According to UPI, large footprints have been found in a forest on the shores of Hudson Bay in Canada, indicating that Bigfoot may be living there. Each footprint ?was 14 inches or so [long]... continued
New Study Says Ocean Currents Failing
June 20, 2001In an eerie and disturbing confirmation of a major part of the scenario popularized by Whitley Strieber and Art Bell in their book, the Coming Global Superstorm,a scientific study just published in the prestigious British scientific journal Nature confirms that... continued
Insight: John Hogue on Signs in the Sky
June 20, 2001Dreamland regular and Nostradamus expert John Hogue has taken a look at the current situation overhead and thought long and hard about it. Mars will be at its closest point to earth in twenty five years on the summer solstice.... continued
HIV Superbugs Could Be On the Way
June 20, 2001In poor African countries, patients with HIV often cannot afford their medicines, even when they are heavily discounted in cost. Africa is home to 26.5 million of the 37 million people in the world living with HIV. Scientists fear the... continued
Are UFOs Real? Now it’s Not Worth a Bet
June 20, 2001In England it?s legal to bet on virtually anything, as long as you do it through a bookie. Now bookies have slashed the odds on the Prime Minister officially announcing that aliens are real. The move comes after Scottish news... continued
Global Warming Solution: Move the Earth
June 19, 2001Scientists at NASA have found a new way to combat global warming: move the Earth to a cooler spot, farther away from the Sun. This may more than double the time that life can survive on our planet. The Sun... continued
Researcher May Have Broken Code of Intricate Crop Circle
June 19, 2001The crop circle pictured here appeared on June 3 at Wakerley Woods, Barrowden, Northamtonshire. Local residents had not seen it the day before its appearance, suggesting that it may not be hoaxed. Further testing will be needed before it can... continued
Unusual Astronomical Events, Solar Activity Coincide
June 18, 2001Mars will reach its closest approach to earth of the current opposition on June 21, the summer solstice, the same day that a full solar eclipse takes place in the southern hemisphere. On June 30 Comet Linear C/2001 A2 makes... continued