The Momo Mystery

May 25, 2001
In 1972 in the little town of Louisiana, Missouri, there were sightings of a large, hairy creature with a nasty smell that became known as the ?Missouri Monster? or Momo. When a 15-year-old girl reported seeing Momo outside her home,... continued

Columbus Secretly Discovered America 7 Years Earlier

May 24, 2001
America wasn?t discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492, according to historian Ruggero Marino, because he sailed to the New World 7 years earlier on a secret mission for the Pope. Marino says the 1492 voyage, financed by Spain, was a... continued

Burst Pipe Destroys NASA Photos

May 23, 2001
According to NASA, water from a burst pipe has destroyed thousand of historic space images stored at the Goddard Space Flight Center. The basement archives included original photos, negatives and transparencies from the beginning of the space age in the... continued

Mystery Force in Space

May 22, 2001
An unexplained force is pulling on distant spacecraft. It could be an unnoticed effect in the spacecraft themselves, but scientists feel it may be the first hint that we don?t fully understand the force of gravity. ?It is almost as... continued

Alien Bacteria Cultured From Meteorite

May 21, 2001
Live bacteria have been found inside a meteorite and the scientists who cultured it say that the bacteria is not from the earth. If true, this would help prove the theory that life was brought to earth via meteorites. Bruno... continued

Scientists Say Underwater Japanese Pyramid Definitely Manmade

May 19, 2001
Japanese Scientists Say Yonaguni Pyramid Manmade Tonight (Saturday, May 19th) on Dreamland, Ancient American Magazine editor Frank Joseph reports on a conference he recently attended in Japan at which Japanese geologists and archaeologists argued that the sunken pyramid off the... continued

Sunken City off Cuba

May 19, 2001
A lost city may have been found beneath 2,300 feet of water off the coast of Cuba, in an area just recently opened to exploration by the Cuban government. Several foreign companies have joined together with the Cuban government to... continued

Pilot encounters with UFOs: Study challenges secrecy (and denial)

May 18, 2001
LESLIE KEAN, SAN FRANCISCO Note: Leslie Kean?s story has been picked up by 7 other newspapers across the country. She will talk with us on Dreamland May 19 about how hard it has been to get this story, and her... continued

India ‘Monkey Man’ Hysteria Now Called Plot

May 17, 2001
For a number of weeks, hysteria has been building in India, especially around the capital of New Delhi, that people are being attacked by a gigantic, crazed ape. Two deaths have been reported. A pregnant woman died on Tuesday when... continued

Insight: Brilliant Rebuttal to the Skeptics

May 17, 2001
Skeptics groups are experiencing declines in membership, in part due to disenchantment with controversial community leaders like "James Randi" (Randall James Zwinge), and in part due to a growing concern that the present skeptical leadership is drifting into the fallacy... continued