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Mad Cow Disease Could Have Environmental Cause
May 30, 2001Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease (CJD), the human form of Mad Cow Disease, is thought to be caused by eating beef from cattle infected with BSE, or Mad Cow, but David Brown, a biochemist at Cambridge University in England, now says ?there is... continued
Black Mold Destroys Homes
May 30, 2001In Texas, a potentially fatal black mold has forced 19 families to evacuate their homes and move into hotels. The Gabberts have lived at the Residence Inn with their 3 children for 3 months, since they discovered their home in... continued
Kentucky Horse Deaths Found to be Cyanide
May 30, 2001Horses Killed By Cyanide The first autopsy results on some of the over 500 miscarried thoroughbred fetuses in Kentucky have revealed features characteristic of cyanide poisoning. Cyanide causes victims to gasp for air, and Len Harrison, of the University of... continued
New Whitley’s Journal–Greer’s ‘Galactic Federation’ a Fantasy
May 29, 2001Dr. Steven Greer recently organized a highly successful press conference at which a number of government and military personnel came forward and discussed their UFO experiences. After an initial chill, the conference received surprisingly good press coverage, with one or... continued
The Momo Mystery
May 25, 2001In 1972 in the little town of Louisiana, Missouri, there were sightings of a large, hairy creature with a nasty smell that became known as the ?Missouri Monster? or Momo. When a 15-year-old girl reported seeing Momo outside her home,... continued
Mysterious Big Cats
May 25, 2001Sightings of a mysterious gigantic cat, about 4 times the size of a domestic tabby, have been reported during the past 10 years in south Herfordshire near north London. The animal was nicknamed the Beast of Barnet. The mystery was... continued
Columbus Secretly Discovered America 7 Years Earlier
May 24, 2001America wasn?t discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492, according to historian Ruggero Marino, because he sailed to the New World 7 years earlier on a secret mission for the Pope. Marino says the 1492 voyage, financed by Spain, was a... continued
Burst Pipe Destroys NASA Photos
May 23, 2001According to NASA, water from a burst pipe has destroyed thousand of historic space images stored at the Goddard Space Flight Center. The basement archives included original photos, negatives and transparencies from the beginning of the space age in the... continued
Mystery Force in Space
May 22, 2001An unexplained force is pulling on distant spacecraft. It could be an unnoticed effect in the spacecraft themselves, but scientists feel it may be the first hint that we don?t fully understand the force of gravity. ?It is almost as... continued
Alien Bacteria Cultured From Meteorite
May 21, 2001Live bacteria have been found inside a meteorite and the scientists who cultured it say that the bacteria is not from the earth. If true, this would help prove the theory that life was brought to earth via meteorites. Bruno... continued