Pilot encounters with UFOs: Study challenges secrecy (and denial)

May 18, 2001
LESLIE KEAN, SAN FRANCISCO Note: Leslie Kean?s story has been picked up by 7 other newspapers across the country. She will talk with us on Dreamland May 19 about how hard it has been to get this story, and her... continued

India ‘Monkey Man’ Hysteria Now Called Plot

May 17, 2001
For a number of weeks, hysteria has been building in India, especially around the capital of New Delhi, that people are being attacked by a gigantic, crazed ape. Two deaths have been reported. A pregnant woman died on Tuesday when... continued

Insight: Brilliant Rebuttal to the Skeptics

May 17, 2001
Skeptics groups are experiencing declines in membership, in part due to disenchantment with controversial community leaders like "James Randi" (Randall James Zwinge), and in part due to a growing concern that the present skeptical leadership is drifting into the fallacy... continued

Australian Soldiers Guinea Pigs in Nuclear Tests

May 16, 2001
In the British version of the Plutonium Files, which we interviewed author Eileen Welsome about on Dreamland March 4, it has been revealed that the British government conducted secret nuclear testing on Australian and New Zealand soldiers in the 1950s.... continued

Mysterious Plague in Horses

May 16, 2001
The number of stillborn foals and spontaneously aborted fetuses from Kentucky mares has increased to a staggering rate this spring, in a mystery plague that has shot fear throughout the state?s $1.2 million thoroughbred horse industry. In April, 318 deaths... continued

Weeds Take Over the World

May 15, 2001
Evolution scientists in London warn of the spread of a global ?pest and weed? environment, with animals and plants such as rats, cockroaches and dandelions flourishing at the expense of more specialized wild species. They say that in the next... continued

Brain Areas Located for Religion, Sense of Self

May 15, 2001
Professor Andrew Newberg, of the University of Pennsylvania, measures prayer. He invites Buddhists and Franciscan nuns to meditate and pray in a secluded room. At the peak of their devotions, he injects a tracer that travels to their brains and... continued

Insight: Major Revelations on Dreamland

May 14, 2001
Both guests on Dreamland on Saturday night (May 12, 2001) made major revelations in their areas of interest. Our first guest, Terry Hansen, author of The Missing Times along with such authors as Richard Dolan, author of UFOs and the... continued

Ghosts Protect Endangered Forests

May 10, 2001
The Indian government has discovered that the best way to protect their national reserves from human traffic is to scare people away with ghost stories. Locals who have been slashing forests and slaughtering wildlife will keep away from those areas... continued

US Wins Secret Hacker War With China

May 10, 2001
We reported on May 7 that Chinese computer hackers, in retaliation for the U.S. spy plane crash, were able to hack into White House computers and shut their internet down for several hours. Now they have declared a ceasefire and... continued