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China Facing Huge Environmental Disaster
May 4, 2001China, home to 1.3 billion people, is facing an enviromental disaster of almost unimaginable proportions. Nearly one-third of Chinese territory?50,000 villages and hundreds of cities?is plagued by ultra-rapid desertification. The danger is greatest in northern China, where large parcels of... continued
Dolphins in the Mirror
May 4, 2001While there are other intelligent animals living on the earth with us, only a few can be called conscious or self-aware. If you put a mirror in a cage with a bird, he will think he has a new friend.... continued
UFO Internet Conference Cancelled
May 3, 2001We have received word from the UFOXFiles webmaster that the internet conference scheduled for May 12, 2001, has been cancelled. The site is now displaying a black screen. According to the webmaster, the site has been hacked and they cannot... continued
Space Vacations Around the Corner
May 2, 2001Dennis Tito had to pay the Russians 2 million dollars in order to be the first tourist in space, but companies are working hard to develop craft that will make space travel affordable in the next decade. Space Adventures, the... continued
Music of Creation Captured by Astronomers
May 2, 2001Astronomers have detected regular patterns in what they call the afterglow of creation that they believe were caused by shock waves shortly after the universe was born. They provide the most precise image yet of the Big Bang explosion that... continued
‘Nausea’ Alarm Blanks Burglars
May 2, 2001Ever wake up late at night and hear what sounds like a burglar walking around downstairs? It can?t happen if you?ve equipped your home with the new burglar alarm developed by Swedish scientists that will go on sale in England... continued
Human Tinea Imbricata Found in Gungans
May 2, 2001According to an article published in the prestigious, peer-reviewed British Medical Journal, human Tinea imbricata has been found in gungans. Human Tinea imbricata, a superficial fungal infection of man, has an ornate appearance composed of concentric circles and polycyclic or... continued
Dust Suggests Universe Crowded with Earthlike Planets
May 2, 2001Scientists have identified an area in space called the Orion Nebula where tiny specks of dust are growing into infant planets. Conditions there favor the development of Earth- and Mars-sized planets, which have the potential for developing life, rather than... continued
UFO Wave Over US Midwest
May 1, 2001A wave of UFO sightings is occurring across the Midwestern US, according to reports being received by George Filer?s Filer?s Files. In Evansville, Indiana, witnesses spotted a group of UFOs that looked like ?a fleet of plates, all gray except... continued
Huge Horde of Roman Armor Found
May 1, 2001Hundreds of pieces of Roman armor, similar to the type worn in the movie "Gladiator," have been unearthed in an archaeological dig in England. The find was made at Carlisle Castle in Cumbria, as archaeologists uncovered buildings dating back to... continued