Human Foot-and-Mouth Victims

April 26, 2001
Three cases of humans contracting Foot-and-mouth disease have been reported in Britain. The disease is extremely mild in people, with flu-like symptoms and blisters on the hands and inside the mouth. "There are a lot of symptomsthat can seem similar... continued

Melting Glaciers for Water

April 26, 2001
Pakistan has such a desperate drought that it is considering melting glaciers in order to get water. The government has asked the national weather office to look into the possibility of melting the glaciers in the northern mountains of the... continued

Bird Attack!

April 26, 2001
The home of Tiger and Susie Michiels in Redding, California, was invaded last week when hundreds of soot-covered birds swooped down their chimney and into their living room. "They really demolished the house," said Tiger. "There's soot over everything. The... continued

Foot-and-Mouth Studied at Secret U.S. Laboratory

April 25, 2001
For almost 50 years, scientists at a secret laboratory on Plum Island off Long Island in New York have studied live foot-and-mouth virus. If released, the virus would devastate the 45 million dollar U.S. livestock industry. "Here at Plum Island,... continued

New Mad Cow Disease Theory

April 25, 2001
British scientists are beginning to seriously consider a new theory about the cause of Mad Cow Disease, proposed by organic farmer Mark Purdey, who feels that the conventional explanation-that BSE is caused by animals beingfed infected meat and bone meal-is... continued

New Trap for Loch Ness Monster

April 25, 2001
A Swedish explorer who specializes in hunting unusual species has invented a special trap for the Loch Ness monster. Jan Sundberg and his Global Underwater Research Team (GUST) plan to use multi-beam sonar equipment and an acoustic underwater camera to... continued

New Way to Read Ancient Texts

April 25, 2001
The eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD destroyed precious Roman documents, along with the city of Pompeii. Now scholars have discovered a new way to read the scorched remnants of these ancient texts. In Utah, Brigham Young University researchers are... continued

New Robot Uses Living Brain

April 24, 2001
Scientists in Chicago have created the first cyborg that is controlled by a living brain. It works like a robot and thinks like an eel. It has been created by combining the extracted brain of a tiny, eel-like lamprey with... continued

Cow Patties May Solve Energy Crisis

April 24, 2001
Washington state, faced with a severe drought, leading to dwindling reservoirs and an energy shortage, is planning to use one of its major natural resources to solve its energy problem: cows. There are 246,000 cows in Washington State and their... continued

Arafat Recruits Terrorists Against Israel

April 24, 2001
According to an intelligence report, the U.S. tipped off the Israelis that the Saudi terrorist Osama bin Laden plans to support Yasser Arafat's uprising against them. His cells and networks in Lebanon are ready to launch strikes into Israel. Bin... continued