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CSICOP Founder Says Denial is not Skepticism
April 12, 2001A fundamental change may be taking place in the way that science views the UFO phenomenon. For years, prominent members of the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal have issued blanket denials that UFOs were worth... continued
Severe Geomagnetic Storm Hits Earth
April 11, 2001Between 9 and 10 AM on Wedneday, April 11, a severe geomagnetic storm struck earth. Auroras may be visible into the middle lattitudes tonight, which would include most if not all of the United States. A G-4 level magnetic storm... continued
Was Lethal Gas the Mummy’s Curse?
April 11, 2001It sounds like a scene from ?Raiders of the Lost Ark,? but it?s true: some of Egypt?s ancient monuments contain high levels of the lethal gas radon. Radon is produced by the decay of uranium, which is contained in the... continued
New Planets Found–One in ‘Life Zone.’
April 11, 2001An international team of astronomers has announced the discovery of 11 distant planets, bringing the number of known planets outside our solar system to 63. One of the planets is in an Earth-like orbit around a sun-like star. It is... continued
Scientists Go for the Ghosts
April 11, 2001The most comprehensive scientific investigation into the existence of ghosts ever attempted is taking place in Edinburgh, Scotland. Over the next two weeks, 10 researchers, aided by more than 200 members of the public, will try to record the presence... continued
Popular Magazine Says UFOs are Real
April 10, 2001For the first time, a large-circulation general interest magazine in the U.S. has unequivocally stated that UFOs are real. The May, 2001 issue of ?Popular Mechanics? contains the provocative lead story ?When UFOs Land,? which talks about the investigations by... continued
Another X-Class Solar Flare Blacks Out Radio
April 10, 2001A powerful X-class solar flare erupte at 1:25 AM EDT Tuesday, causing radio blackouts across the eastern hemisphere of earth and triggering a minor radiation storm. The flare hurled a coronal mass ejection directly toward earth. This CME joins another,... continued
Why We Spied on China
April 10, 2001U.S. intelligence officials say that the U.S. surveillance aircraft that collided with a Chinese jet on April 1st was gathering electronic evidence about an underground nuclear test that China is preparing to conduct. The test preparations were spotted by a... continued
Head Transplant Works–Sort of…
April 9, 2001A controversial operation to transplant the entire head of a monkey onto a different body has been a partial success, as the monkey lived for some time after the operation. The scientist who performed the operation, Professor Robert White of... continued
Radioactive Tumbleweeds Light Way at Hanford
April 9, 2001The Hanford nuclear reservation, in the windswept desert of south-central Washington State, is being menaced by radioactive tumbleweeds. Russian thistle has tap roots that reach down as far as 20 feet into the ground. Every winter, the roots decay and... continued