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Popular Magazine Says UFOs are Real
April 10, 2001For the first time, a large-circulation general interest magazine in the U.S. has unequivocally stated that UFOs are real. The May, 2001 issue of ?Popular Mechanics? contains the provocative lead story ?When UFOs Land,? which talks about the investigations by... continued
Another X-Class Solar Flare Blacks Out Radio
April 10, 2001A powerful X-class solar flare erupte at 1:25 AM EDT Tuesday, causing radio blackouts across the eastern hemisphere of earth and triggering a minor radiation storm. The flare hurled a coronal mass ejection directly toward earth. This CME joins another,... continued
Head Transplant Works–Sort of…
April 9, 2001A controversial operation to transplant the entire head of a monkey onto a different body has been a partial success, as the monkey lived for some time after the operation. The scientist who performed the operation, Professor Robert White of... continued
Radioactive Tumbleweeds Light Way at Hanford
April 9, 2001The Hanford nuclear reservation, in the windswept desert of south-central Washington State, is being menaced by radioactive tumbleweeds. Russian thistle has tap roots that reach down as far as 20 feet into the ground. Every winter, the roots decay and... continued
Evidence that Foot-and-Mouth Release was Deliberate
April 9, 2001There is evidence that the recent English Foot-and-mouth outbreak could have been started deliberately by someone who stole a test tube of the virus from a laboratory. A vial of the virus was stolen from a secret government lab at... continued
Undersea Volcano Erupting off Oregon Coast
April 9, 2001A volcano has been erupting on the ocean floor 130 miles off the southern Oregon coast since Tuesday, April 3, but scientists say it does not pose a threat to ships or coastal communities. The eruption has generated more than... continued
Another Mysterious Canadian Ice Ring
April 6, 2001A beautiful ice ring--or ice disk--has just been reported to the Canadian Crop Circle Research Network. The circle appeared in Johnson Canyon in Banff National Park on January 2, 2000, but has just been reported after the owner of the... continued
Cloned Cows Die
April 6, 2001Two of three cloned heifers from the University of California farm in Chico have died and the third may not live. All three calves were born March 9, after a total of 28 cloned embryos were implanted into 14 Hereford... continued
Farmer Must Pay for GM Corn He Didn’t Plant
April 6, 2001In a spectacular show of corporate power, Monsanto has succeeding in forcing a Canadian farmer to pay for genetically modified crops found growing in his fields, even though the seeds blew in from neighboring fields and he never intended to... continued
Insight: HowMonsanto and the WTO Plan to Buy Up Our Water Supplies
April 6, 2001Monsanto plans to earn revenues of $420 million and a net income of $63 million by 2008 from its water business in India and Mexico. Monsanto estimates that water will become a multibillion-dollar market in the coming decades. Imagine, that... continued