Family Says Supplement Caused Mad Cow Death

March 29, 2001
The family of a Colorado woman who died of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, the human form of Mad Cow Disease, believes her death was caused by a herbal dietary supplement containing bovine protein. The woman, who died November 23, 1999, had been... continued

Cat’s Purr May Really Mean 9 Lives

March 29, 2001
Scientists have discovered that cat purring is a natural healing mechanism that probably created the legend that cats have 9 lives. Wounded cats purr because it helps their bones and organs heal, say researchers who have analyzed the purring of... continued

Sun Emits X-Flare

March 29, 2001
At 1015 Universal Time, an X-class solar flare was emitted from the sunspot region 9393, sending a coronal mass ejection toward earth. This follows a coronal mass ejection emitted two days ago. Energy from the first CME is expected to... continued

Here Come the Clones…Ready or Not.

March 28, 2001
Two fertility scientists have announced plans to create the first human clone within two years, despite new evidence that cloning can produce monstrous results. Scientists say that creating healthy copies through cloning is harder than they had expected. Clones often... continued

We’re Loaded with Pollutants

March 28, 2001
Scientists have researched the chemicals that can be found in the bodies of average Americans and have found that the results are alarming. ?This is a wake-up call: Americans are clearly being exposed to an array of toxic chemicals,? says... continued

Heavy Sunspot Activity Continues

March 28, 2001
An unusually high number of sunspots are now crossing the solar disk as it rotates. One of these, Sunspot 9393, is a very large formation, and could result in an X-class flare, the most powerful measured. A sunspot this large... continued

Solar Flare Activity Way Up: X-Class Eruption Possible

March 27, 2001
The number of sunspots visible from earth has shot up in recent days to 339 and is still rising. This is the highest level since July of 2000. Sunspot group 9393 is one of the largest such groups seen in... continued

Insight: The Mystery of Pine Gap

March 27, 2001
Pine Gap is America's most secure and most secret facility. It is located near Alice Springs in Central Australia, and has long been the center of extensive area UFO activity. The famous Shuttle Mission STS-48 video that appears to show... continued

One of Our Jets Found, President Asks Moment of Silence

March 27, 2001
The wreckage of a missing US jet and the body of its pilot were found today in Scotland. Two US F-15 fighters disappeared on a training mission over Scotland yesterday. President Bush, campaigning for his tax cut proposal in Montana,... continued

Human Form of Mad Cow Kills Two Denver Hospital Patients

March 26, 2001
Two patients have died at St. Joseph hospital in Colorado this year from Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, the human form of Mad Cow Disease, and there is concern that other patients may have been exposed to it, a hospital spokeswoman said. The... continued