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Soon It’s Gonna be the Interscent–WWW Smells on the Way
March 26, 2001Start-up companies are working on devices that would mimic a multitude of scents, including roses, cotton candy and burning rubber. One company, TriSenx, has unveiled a computer mouse that sells for $269 and reproduces 20 basic smells that can be... continued
Forensics Scientists Prove Shooter on Grassy Knoll
March 26, 2001A new, peer-reviewed article in Science and Justice, the publication of Britain?s prestigious Forensic Science Society, proves there was a gunshot from the grassy knoll during the Kennedy assassination at Dealey Plaza in Dallas in 1963. This means that there... continued
Human Form of Mad Cow Kills Two Denver Hospital Patients
March 26, 2001Two patients have died at St. Joseph hospital in Colorado this year from Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, the human form of Mad Cow Disease, and there is concern that other patients may have been exposed to it, a hospital spokeswoman said. The... continued
CIA Admits Planting Stories in US Media
March 25, 2001According to a newly declassified document, the CIA planted propaganda directly on news wire services during the Bay of Pigs incident in the 1960s. The document says that the agency?s headquarters had ?the capability of placing items directly on the... continued
Linked Telescopes May Find Earth-Like Planets
March 23, 2001NASA astronomers have proved that 2 telescopes are better than one, by linking two Hawaiian 10-meter telescopes together to form the world?s most powerful optical system. The linked telescopes, which are called the Keck Interferometer, will eventually search for planets... continued
Possible Mad Cow Sheep Found in Vermont
March 23, 2001Federal officials have seized a flock of 234 sheep in Vermont that they fear may be infected with a version of Mad Cow Disease. This is the first seizure of any U.S. farm animals. The Agriculture Department says that the... continued
Blackouts to Spread this Summer: NY Next?
March 23, 2001New York could be the next American city to experience electricity blackouts, as the power crisis spreads East from California. Power managers in Boston and other New England cities said they could keep the power running through the summer unless... continued
Medicines Intended for Humans May Contain Mad Cow
March 23, 2001There are more than 800 medicines on the world market that could carry CJD, the human form of Mad Cow Disease. In Britain, companies were given until March 1st to prove that their products were free from the disease. But... continued
Tape Seems to Confirm Chemtrails A Military Operation
March 22, 2001An answering machine tape recently given to chemtrails researcher Will Thomas's Lifeboat News Service includes a message allegedly from the Victoria, British Columbia Airport Authority's Manager for Airport Planning and Environment to city resident Mark Porter, who had inquired about... continued
European Union Outlaws Criticism
March 22, 2001It?s hard days for freedom of expression in the European Union. First, countries were told that they could not restrict food imports, only to be deluged by Mad Cow Disease and Foot-and-Mouth. Now they are told that criticism of the... continued