Heavy Sunspot Activity Continues

March 28, 2001
An unusually high number of sunspots are now crossing the solar disk as it rotates. One of these, Sunspot 9393, is a very large formation, and could result in an X-class flare, the most powerful measured. A sunspot this large... continued

Solar Flare Activity Way Up: X-Class Eruption Possible

March 27, 2001
The number of sunspots visible from earth has shot up in recent days to 339 and is still rising. This is the highest level since July of 2000. Sunspot group 9393 is one of the largest such groups seen in... continued

Insight: The Mystery of Pine Gap

March 27, 2001
Pine Gap is America's most secure and most secret facility. It is located near Alice Springs in Central Australia, and has long been the center of extensive area UFO activity. The famous Shuttle Mission STS-48 video that appears to show... continued

One of Our Jets Found, President Asks Moment of Silence

March 27, 2001
The wreckage of a missing US jet and the body of its pilot were found today in Scotland. Two US F-15 fighters disappeared on a training mission over Scotland yesterday. President Bush, campaigning for his tax cut proposal in Montana,... continued

Human Form of Mad Cow Kills Two Denver Hospital Patients

March 26, 2001
Two patients have died at St. Joseph hospital in Colorado this year from Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, the human form of Mad Cow Disease, and there is concern that other patients may have been exposed to it, a hospital spokeswoman said. The... continued

Two US Jets Down Without a Trace

March 26, 2001
Two American F-15 fighters were reported missing over Scotland today. As of midnight Monday, local time, no wreckage has been found, no radio beacons have been picked up and no contacts have taken place. The fighters were on an afternoon... continued

Soon It’s Gonna be the Interscent–WWW Smells on the Way

March 26, 2001
Start-up companies are working on devices that would mimic a multitude of scents, including roses, cotton candy and burning rubber. One company, TriSenx, has unveiled a computer mouse that sells for $269 and reproduces 20 basic smells that can be... continued

Forensics Scientists Prove Shooter on Grassy Knoll

March 26, 2001
A new, peer-reviewed article in Science and Justice, the publication of Britain?s prestigious Forensic Science Society, proves there was a gunshot from the grassy knoll during the Kennedy assassination at Dealey Plaza in Dallas in 1963. This means that there... continued

CIA Admits Planting Stories in US Media

March 25, 2001
According to a newly declassified document, the CIA planted propaganda directly on news wire services during the Bay of Pigs incident in the 1960s. The document says that the agency?s headquarters had ?the capability of placing items directly on the... continued

Medicines Intended for Humans May Contain Mad Cow

March 23, 2001
There are more than 800 medicines on the world market that could carry CJD, the human form of Mad Cow Disease. In Britain, companies were given until March 1st to prove that their products were free from the disease. But... continued