European Union Outlaws Criticism

March 22, 2001
It?s hard days for freedom of expression in the European Union. First, countries were told that they could not restrict food imports, only to be deluged by Mad Cow Disease and Foot-and-Mouth. Now they are told that criticism of the... continued

Spies Find Lost Mars Lander

March 22, 2001
The missing Mars Polar Lander may have been found by a top-secret spy imaging agency. The National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA) has been quietly scanning Mars photos, looking for the lander, since it stopped communicating with Earth in December... continued

Tape Seems to Confirm Chemtrails A Military Operation

March 22, 2001
An answering machine tape recently given to chemtrails researcher Will Thomas's Lifeboat News Service includes a message allegedly from the Victoria, British Columbia Airport Authority's Manager for Airport Planning and Environment to city resident Mark Porter, who had inquired about... continued

Mad Cow Spreading to Felines

March 21, 2001
When Major, a 12 year old lion at the Newquay Zoo in southwest England, died recently, an autopsy revealed that had feline spongiform encephalopathy (FSE), the cat form of mad cow disease. Mike Thomas, managing director at the zoo, said... continued

Insight: They’re Spying On Us

March 20, 2001
Our government spied on the Soviet Union for decades, but now that the cold war is over, they?re aiming their sights on us. The April 2001 issue of Popular Mechanics reveals that two powerful intelligence gathering tools the U.S. created... continued

Possible Chemtrails Explanation

March 20, 2001
A group of former military officers have flown in a private jet into a chemtrail that was being emitted from a military cargo aircraft. They obtained samples of the aerosol and had them tested in a laboratory. The trail contained... continued

Killer Icicles in Moscow

March 20, 2001
Moscow is slowly thawing out from its heaviest snowfall in 40 years, in a harsh winter that caused the deaths of 205 people. Now people are facing a new hazard: falling icicles. Three people have been killed by falling icicles... continued

Greenhouse Gases Now Seen From Space

March 19, 2001
New evidence from satellites orbiting the Earth has put an end to an doubts about whether greenhouse gases are actually increasing. Until now, researchers depended on ground-based measurements and theoretical models to measure the increase. New sets of data taken... continued

Foot and Mouth Spreads to Middle East

March 19, 2001
Foot-and-mouth disease, which has caused thousands of head of cattle to be destroyed in England, has now spread to the Middle East. Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have reported finding 10 cases of the disease. The Gulf states... continued

Invisible Asteroids Thought to be Threat

March 19, 2001
Invisible asteroids and other cosmic bodies made of a new form of matter may pose a threat to Earth, according to an Australian physicist. Robert Foot of the University of Melbourne claims that a meteorite composed of mirror matter, which... continued