Global Warming on Mars

February 12, 2001
We humans are becoming experts at creating global warming, and we've finally found a place where our talents are needed: Mars. At a recent NASA conference, "The Physics and Biology of Making Mars Habitable," scientists discussed ways that future colonists... continued

Invasion of the Toxic Toads

February 12, 2001
No, it's not a horror movie-it's real life in Florida. Marine toads are native in an area from Mexico and Central America to the Amazon. They first arrived in Florida in 1955, when a shipment imported by a pet dealer... continued

Need To Prepare for Huge Flu Epidemic

February 12, 2001
Today, the flu is something that causes you to feel lousy and miss work for a week, but in 1918, a global flu pandemic killed 40 million people. Scientists are warning it could happen again. "The natural history of influenza... continued

New Rocket Could Cut Mars Travel Time from Months to Weeks

February 9, 2001
A new type of nuclear reactor could make it possible for us to travel to Mars in as little as two weeks. Yigal Ronen, professor of nuclear engineering at Ben-Gurion University in Israel, believes that a little-known isotope called americium-242m... continued

Catalytic Converters May Cause Pollution

February 9, 2001
Catalytic converters are supposed to clean up car exhaust and prevent air pollution, but new research shows that they are polluting the atmosphere instead. Italian and French researchers have found dangerous heavy metals from converters far away from their sources,... continued

Good News About Cellphones: They Can Monitor Your Vital Signs

February 9, 2001
Scientists at Bell Labs in New Jersey have discovered that your cellphone reveals your vital signs, even when you don't answer it. Victor and Olga Boric-Lubecke noticed that some of the microwaves transmitted by the cellphone's antenna bounce back to... continued

Push Button Orgasms

February 9, 2001
We've read about it in science fiction, but now it's true: a scientist has patented a machine that delivers an orgasm to a woman at the push of a button. Stuart Meloy, a surgeon in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, got the... continued

The Moon May Predict Earthquakes

February 9, 2001
If we knew an earthquake was on the way, vulnerable populations could be evacuated and tragedies like the huge death toll in India could be prevented. Scientists have tried to discover a method for predicting earthquakes for years, without success.... continued

Chemtrails Mystery Over Northern California

February 9, 2001
Composer Steven Halpern, a Dreamland listener, has recorded an exceptional pattern of apparent chemtrails over northern Marin County in California. Halpern obtained a number of pictures that clearly illustrate the phenomenon's classic crosshatch pattern. The most recent patterns appeared during... continued

U.S. Soldiers Exposed To Mad Cow Disease

February 8, 2001
Millions of U.S. military personnel and their families stationed in Europe before 1996 may have eaten British beef during the height of the Mad Cow Disease epidemic. For 10 years following the emergence of BSE in British cattle in 1986,... continued