GM Foods Update: Broken Rules, Superweeds, & Ordinary Spuds

February 8, 2001
A scientific panel working under the direction of the Royal Society of Canada has declared that genetically modified (GM) foods are not necessarily safe to eat. About 60 percent of the food in supermarkets today contain genetically modified ingredients such... continued

Ebola Ruled Out in Canada Scare

February 7, 2001
Laboratory tests have ruled out the deadly Ebola virus as the cause of illness in a suspicious Canadian Case. Doctors at Henderson Hospital in Hamilton, Ont. say the results show it's unlikely that she has the disease. "From a Health... continued

Pluto Found to Have Dark Streak

February 7, 2001
The Astronomical Journal - Early astronomers reported seeing canals on Mars and now a modern group has found a mysterious dark streak on Pluto, the most distant planet in the Solar System. Pluto is covered with nitrogen frost, containing traces... continued

More Powerful Hurricanes Predicted

February 7, 2001
The hurricane season arrives in the summer, and scientists warn that stormier weather awaits us in the future. A conference of climatologists in Australia have predicted an increase in the severity of coastal storms over the next century, as sea... continued

Whitley Strieber Appears on Art Bell Tonight

February 7, 2001
Dreamland's Whitley Strieber and Linda Moulton Howe of will be guests on Art Bell's Coast-to-Coast AM tonight. Howe will be talking about major environmental changes, and Strieber will discuss his new book the Key, as well as some extraordinary... continued

Sharon Wins, Mideast Slides Toward War

February 6, 2001
Ariel Sharon has become the new Prime Minister of Israel after a landslide win in the election today. Palestinian leaders have pledged to work with him toward peace, but there is pessimism that the peace process will continue in any... continued

Global Warming Leads to Hot Heads

February 5, 2001
Global warming may cause an increase in violent crime, according to Dr. Craig A. Anderson, a psychologist at Iowa State University. Even an increase of 2 degrees Fahrenheit could result in an additional 24,000 murders and assaults in the U.S.... continued

New Way to Turn Off Disease

February 5, 2001
Researchers have discovered a protein called CD45 which can"turn off" disease signals to the body. It may be able to cause the body to heal itself of chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease, as well as autoimmune... continued

Brain Tumor Victim Blames Cellphone

February 5, 2001
Brian Barrett, a victim of terminal brain cancer, believes his tumor was caused by his cell phone and says that the CAT scan of his brain shows that his tumor exactly matches the area of the radiation penetration from a... continued

Space Pizza

February 5, 2001
When we think about traveling to Mars, we forget about one of the biggestproblems we'll have: how to take along enough food. Food is heavy and carrying all that weight so far costs money. It could costas much as $53,000... continued