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Brain Tumor Victim Blames Cellphone
February 5, 2001Brian Barrett, a victim of terminal brain cancer, believes his tumor was caused by his cell phone and says that the CAT scan of his brain shows that his tumor exactly matches the area of the radiation penetration from a... continued
Space Pizza
February 5, 2001When we think about traveling to Mars, we forget about one of the biggestproblems we'll have: how to take along enough food. Food is heavy and carrying all that weight so far costs money. It could costas much as $53,000... continued
Satellite Data Proves Ice Sheets Shrinking Fast
February 5, 2001Satellite photos show that about 7 ? cubic miles of ice have eroded from the Antarctic ice sheet in the last 8 years, confirming that long-term changes are under way in the ice fields that cover the South Pole. The... continued
Dieting Is Bad For Bones
February 2, 2001Science News - If you're always worried about how much you eat, you may be producing stress that removes calcium from your bones.Researchers at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver observed that women who regulate their food intakeproduce elevated... continued
More Volcanoes Threaten To Erupt
February 2, 2001Volcanoes in the Philippines and Indonesia are threatening to erupt. In the central Philippines, the Mayon volcano puffsout gas and ash, as scientists warn that it may erupt sometime in February. Last year, it drove 68,000 people from their homes.... continued
U.S. Would Lose War In Space
February 2, 2001The Pentagon recently held its first war game in space and discovered we would lose. The five-day exercise was enacted to determine how to defend U.S. satellites and destroy those of a potential enemy.This deadly serious role-playing game, set in... continued
Life From Space
February 2, 2001Scientists working to replicate the harsh conditions of space, with its cold temperatures, radiation and lack of air,have managed to get artificial cell membranes to form, proving that life could have originated in space. For life toexist in cellular form,... continued
Iraq Says It’s Ready To Attack Israel
February 2, 2001A senior Iraqi army general has said that their artillery units could hit targets deep inside Israel if they can bemoved to a site Israel's border. Lieutenant-General Yassin Taha Mohammed said, "Our artillery forces are ready any timeto hit targets... continued
This Part of Brain Makes Us Human
February 2, 2001Everything that makes us "human" is thought to be contained in a part of our brains the size of a billiard ball.Researchers who study the brain say they think they have found the part of it that sets us apart... continued
Hunters Beware: Mad Cow Strikes Deer & Elk
February 1, 2001Government spokesmen who assure us that there's never been a case of Mad Cow Disease in the United States have ignored the fact that a similar disease, Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD), has infected large parts of the deer and elk... continued