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Brilliant Monkeys Invade Indian Gov’t Offices
January 12, 2001Yet more strange animal behavior is being reported, this time from India. In New Delhi, thousands of monkeys have invaded government offices, where they are stealing food, threatening bureaucrats, and destroying valuable documents. There are at least 10,000 monkeys living... continued
US Weapons Said to Endanger Our Own Soldiers
January 12, 2001The Pentagon spent a great deal of time handling the Gulf War Syndrome issue as if our soldiers were either crazy, faking their illnesses, or suffering from problems unrelated to their service in the Gulf or the military. In other... continued
Why Asteroids Aim For Earth
January 12, 2001Most asteroids can be found in the main asteroid belt that lies between Mars and Jupiter. Scientists have always wondered why these rocks sometimes change their orbits and aim for a possible collision with Earth. A new study suggests that... continued
Genfoods to Become Impossible to Avoid
January 11, 2001Scientists have announced that genetically engineered wheat, barley and rice could be commercially available within the next 3 years. James Cook, wheat scientist for Washington State University, said Monsanto's Roundup Ready wheat, used to control weeds, could be available to... continued
Starlink Could Cost Food Industry Billions
January 11, 2001The Toronto Star has reported that the StarLink genetically engineered corn could cost the food industry billions of dollars. The pollution of regular strains of corn by StarLink will lead to dozens of lawsuits. "This is going to come back... continued
Killer Virus Could Lead to Devastating Bioweapons
January 11, 2001Without meaning to, Australian scientists have created a virus that could lead to the most devastating bioweapon ever devised. The scientists were trying to create a mouse contraceptive vaccine to use for pest control. They worked with mousepox, with doesn?t... continued
Is this IT–A Smokin’ Scooter?
January 11, 2001ABC News believes that it has discovered a picture of the new secret invention code-named Ginger, otherwise known as "IT," in patent documents filed by DEKA Research, the company of inventor Dean Kamen, who's record includes revolutionary wheelchairs, heart valves... continued
Genfood Industry Triumph: the Green Potato
January 10, 2001Genetic modification of seeds has put animal genes in vegetables and given us square tomatoes, but the newest breakthrough is the green, water-sensing, potato. Scientists at Edinburgh University injected potato plants with a fluorescence gene borrow from a luminous jellyfish,... continued
Chemtrails Now Being Seen in Europe
January 10, 2001Victor Johnson, who listens to Dreamland over the internet from the Netherlands, writes, "Today in Amsterdam (December 11) at 3 p.m. local time, there was the usual low, fast-moving cloud layer up in the sky. The clouds only parted briefly,... continued
Forest Fire Reveals Native American Secrets
January 10, 2001Last summer?s forest fire in the Sequoia National Forest in California has uncovered hundreds of American Indian relics, causing anthropologists to change their minds about the Indians who lived here thousands of years ago. As archaeologist Ken Wilson said, "This... continued