Take A Psychic Test (Can You Beat the Parrot?)

January 4, 2001
Rupert Sheldrake has designed a test to see if you?re psychic. If you take this test, he and his colleague, Pamela Smart (who owns a psychic dog) would like to know the results. First, find 5 people who feel they... continued

Psychic Parrot With Big Vocabulary Stuns Scientist

January 4, 2001
Aimee Morgana in New York has a psychic parrot named N?Kisi, who has passed the kind of psi tests given to remote viewers. Aimee can sit in one room looking at images, and the parrot can name them, using words... continued

Art Bell Returns to Coast-To-Coast

January 4, 2001
Art Bell returns to Coast-to-Coast AM effective February 5. He has gotten past many of the difficult issues that took up his time and occupied his mind for so long. A statement from Whitley Strieber: I have just talked on... continued

Y2K Bug Bites–A Year Late

January 3, 2001
On New Year?s Eve, Norway?s new high speed express trains suddenly quit running. The computers on the trains did not recognize the date, despite being reprogrammed late last year in anticipation of the "Millennium Bug." "We didn?t think of trying... continued

Popo May Contain Huge Lava Mass

January 3, 2001
Popocatepetl rumbled for 4 minutes on Saturday, then spewed ash on nearby communities. Residents had all returned home after being evacuated on December 18, when showers of red-hot rock began shooting out of the volcano. This was its biggest eruption... continued

Spectacular Meteor Shower On the Way

January 2, 2001
An unusually high number of shooting stars, as many as 100 per hour, will be seen in the U.S., Mexico and western Canada on January 3, as the Quadrantids pass over those areas. You can see them starting at 4... continued

2000 Record Year for Natural Disasters

January 2, 2001
Munich Re, the world?s largest insurance company, said that the world experienced a record number of natural disasters in 2000, although the number of deaths was lower because fewer populated areas were affected. 10,000 people died as a result of... continued

Auld Lang Syne–What Does It Mean?

December 30, 2000
We've heard it all of our lives, and tomorrow night we'll sing it again. But what is that 'auld lang syne?' anyway? Does the phrase chosen by Robert Burns for his great poem, derived from an ancient song of Scotland,... continued

Hangover Cures from the Land of Science

December 29, 2000
Just in time for New Year?s Eve, the London Science Museum has a new exhibit on hangover cures. It turns out that the headache and flu-like feelings are caused by dehydration, despite the fact that you?ve been drinking all night,... continued

Hidden Y2K Problems May Still Be With Us

December 29, 2000
Last year at this time, we were all waiting nervously to see if Y2K computer problems were going to cause our bank balances to disappear, our computers to self-destruct, and air planes to fall from the sky. We were afraid... continued