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Gene Manipulation Doubles Life Span
December 25, 2000Scientists have been able to double the life spans of fruit flies by manipulating one of their genes. Someday soon, they may be able to do it for us. Scientists have named the gene INDY for "I?m Not Dead Yet."... continued
Experts Say Popo Set to Blow Again
December 24, 2000As of December 24, low-level exhalations of gas and steam remain the only sign of activity within the Popocatepetl volcano 35 miles from Mexico City. However, experts continue to warn that the volcano is dangerous, and have predicted another significant... continued
Cosmic Christmas Gift: A Partial Eclipse
December 23, 2000NASA, Sky & Telescope - A solar eclipse is due on Christmas day. It will be a partial eclipse of 72%, which is enough to dim down the skies across parts of North America. If you live in the Pacific... continued
Camarillo UFO Spotted by Dreamland Listener
December 23, 2000On December 17, Dr. Roger Leir reported on the annual sighting of what has come to be known as the Camarillo UFO, because it has returned to the same place in California during the same time period 5 years in... continued
Stunning UFO Photo Over Popo
December 22, 2000A professional photographer for the Mexican newspaper Milenio took a remarkable photograph of a brightly lighted object racing toward the Popocatepetl volcano near Mexico City on Tuesday, December 19 at 6:10 AM. The photograph is a 20 sec. time exposure... continued
No Surf & Turf in Europe as Food Problems Worsen
December 21, 2000NYT - Europeans, who have been avoiding beef since the rampant spread of Mad Cow Disease there, have now been told it is unsafe to eat fish. Scientists there warn that unacceptablyhigh levels of industrial chemicals have been found in... continued
Popo Danger Appears to Disappear
December 21, 2000After erupting more dramatically Monday and Tuesday than it has in 1,200 years, according to scientists, the Popocatepetl volcano 35 miles from Mexico City staged a sudden shutdown. This was not the ominous pause that volcanologists had feared, which would... continued
Winter Solstice Start of Ancient Festive Season
December 21, 2000Today is winter solstice--the day the sun appears to stand still before beginning its journey back from the southern sky. Throughout human history, this has been a day of celebration, and in many cultures the beginning of weeks of celebration... continued
Search for Mammoths in Thailand
December 20, 2000In a twist on the Sasquatch legend, scientists in Thailand have acted on videotape evidence that pre-historic mammoths may still be living in the remote forests of northern Thailand. Princess Rangsrinopadorn Yokol, a conservationist who is a member of Thailand?s... continued
Panel Urges US to Label Genfoods
December 20, 2000NYT - A biotechnology committee formed by the U.S. and the European Union is expected to recommend that the United States toughen its regulation of genetically modified foods. Consumers, they feel, should have the "right of informed choice," meaning that... continued