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California Blackouts–What’s Going On?
December 12, 2000Reuters, The New York Times, AP, ABC News - Rolling power blackouts have hit California, in what may be a warning for the rest of the country. Families have been asked to turn off their Christmas lights, businesses have had... continued
Strange Animal Behavior–Maybe They’re Evolving
December 12, 2000Los Angeles Times, Fox News - In Saudi Arabia recently, a group of baboons waited three days to take revenge on a human being, until a driver who had run over one of their group drove down the same road... continued
Wind May Spread Power Line Carcinogens
December 11, 2000Popular Mechanics - In recent years, there has been a controversy about increased cancer deaths of people living near power lines. Physicists and power industry executives have dismissed this link, because they say the energy levels are too low to... continued
Religious Group Plans to Clone Human Beings
December 11, 2000Sunday Times of London, Washington Post, Techo-Eugenics Email Newsletter - Members of the Raelian religion, which believes that human beings were created by extraterrestrial scientists, said they have begun trying to clone a ten-month-old girl who died earlier this year.... continued
Was Princess Di Murdered? MI6 Agent Speaks Out
December 8, 2000Nexus - In the January issue of Nexus Magazine, there is a sworn statement by Richard Tomlinson, a former MI6 officer, stating that British Intelligence is hiding important information about Princess Diana?s death. According to his story, in 1992 he... continued
Scotland UFO Wave Rivals Mexico’s
December 8, 2000The Edinburgh, Scotland Newsletter, Scotland UFO Sightings Database - Scotland may be replacing Mexico as the hottest new center for UFOs. Edinburgh has become one of the UFO capitals of the world. Interestingly, UFO activity in Scotland started a long... continued
Linda Moulton Howe’s Mysterious Lights and Crop Circles
December 8, 2000Linda Moulton Howe is America's leading edge science reporter. By being careful to never explore beyond the limits of solid scientific credibility, she has built an unchallenged reputation for accurate reporting in the most difficult areas that science has to... continued
Unexpected Glacier Melt May Drown Vast Areas
December 7, 2000Word has just leaked out that the ice sheet that covers Greenland is melting. This means we could face a rise in sea levels that will flood huge areas in the world?s most populated regions, according to a report by... continued
Insurance Expert Says Storms Could Bankrupt World
December 7, 2000The world?s sixth-largest insurance company warns that property damage due to global warming could bankrupt the world by 2065. Dr. Andrew Dlugolecki, a director at CGNU, Britain?s largest insurance group, told delegates at the recent climate change conference in the... continued
Mt. Everest is Shrinking
December 6, 2000UPI, London Telegraph, Xinhua, Drudge - Mount Everest, the world?s highest mountain peak, is shrinking as a result of global warming. Researchers at China?s State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping discovered that the thickness of snow of Everest?s peak has... continued