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Dalai Lama Excluded From UN Peace Summit
July 31, 2000Alone among world religious leaders, the Dalai Lama has been excluded from the UN Millennium Peace Summit, despite being the winner of the 1989 Nobel Peace prize. Pressure from the Chinese has forced this exclusion and as usual, the U.S.... continued
Another Crop Circle Appears That is Beyond Our Ability to Hoax
July 30, 2000This crop circle appeared on July 22nd in Avebury Trusloe near Avebury, Wiltshire on July 22nd. This phenomenally complex and beautiful formation joins a number of others that have appeared this season that are so intricately constructed that they would... continued
Phoenix UFO Flap Happening Right Now and You Can Join the Watch!
July 26, 2000A red UFO of a type that was christened "Bubba" during the many hundreds of sightings that took place in Gulf Breeze, Florida has appeared five times in recent nights over Phoenix. If you live in the Phoenix area, you... continued
Mad Cow Deaths Increase–Experts Alarmed
July 26, 2000It now appears that an epidemic of human mad cow disease is in its initial stages in Great Britian. If this is true, experts estimate that as many as 500,000 Britons could die of the disease over the next 30... continued
Flight 800–The Mystery That Will Not Die
July 25, 2000Despite a massive effort by the government and its train of media supplicants--CNN, NPR, the New York Times, the Washington Post and all the usual suspects--the TWA Flight 800 mystery will not die. On July 17, after a news conference... continued
Biggest Solar Flare In Ten Years Striking This Weekend
July 15, 2000The largest solar flare since 1989 erupted on the surface of the sun Friday. The flare was followed by a coronal mass ejection which blasted millions of tons of electrically charged particles and magnetic energy into space. This material is... continued
Mexico City UFO Wave
July 12, 2000As of 1:00PM 07/12/00, people were taking to the streets in Mexico City to observe what appears to be an extensive UFO wave unfolding this afternoon. Jaimie Maussan, prominent Mexican journalist and UFO authority, reports that the media is being... continued
Mirror Worlds Could Be All Around Us
July 6, 2000New Scientist - Scientists suspect that an entire mirror universe could be present, including mirror galaxies, mirror stars and planets, even mirror life, and this notion is about to be tested. The existence of mirror worlds is suspected because of... continued
Global Warming Intensifies–Heat Wave Sears SE Europe
July 6, 2000Southeastern europe was struck by an unprecedented heat wave this week, with temperatures reaching 107 in Romania and 111 in Greece. The extraordinary heat led Romanian authorities to tell government workers to stay at home, as hundreds of fires broke... continued
Vatican Publishes Third Secret of Fatima – Or Does It?
June 26, 2000The Vatican today published what is purported to be the Third Secret of Fatima. The "secret" included vague references to some sort of apocalyptic vision, but the Vatican said that the events appeared to have already happened. Why the Church... continued