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Scientist Find Hard Evidence of Ghostly Phenomena
January 18, 1999The prestigious British scientific journal The New Scientist reports that scientists are beginning to turn up strange physical measurements from 'hauntings' as well as intriguing if not entirely convincing photographic evidence. Unusual magnetic fields and areas of extreme cold in... continued
Confirmation Special To Air Feb. 17
January 18, 1999The two-hour Confirmation Special will appear on NBC on Wednesday, February 17. Check your local listings for time. Produced by Mark Wolper and Whitley Strieber, the special searches for hard evidence of the unknown, centered around the issues raised in... continued
New MJ-12 Documents: Yes, But ARE THEY REAL?
December 19, 1998On the Art Bell program of December 10-11, 1998, J. Robert Oppenheimer biographer James Kunetka raised questions about some of the MJ-12 documents that have recently been distributed by Dr. Robert Wood and Ryan Wood. Kunetka, the author of "Oppenheimer:... continued
Shocking New Implant Discovery
December 18, 1998Well-known special effects artist and abductee Steve Neill has been diagnosed with an apparent implant in his right forearm. The object is to be removed by Dr. Roger Leir's surgical team. The object is circular, approximately 1/4 inch in diameter... continued
The New Government Documents: An Ongoing Analysis
December 10, 1998I will be adding to this section frequently, as I delve deeper and deeper into the new document release. I am not capable of evaluating textual authenticity, and do not advance any claim that I can prove anything about whether... continued
Confirmation Special Scheduled by NBC, Host Named
December 8, 1998The Confirmation special will run on Wednesday, February 17th, 1999 from 8 to 10 PM. It will feature as host Robert Davi of the NBC show Profilers. Whitley Strieber is co-producer with Mark Wolper of the Wolper Organization and appears... continued
Documents Prove US Recovered ET Vehicles and Bodies
December 1, 1998Documents have just been released that prove that the US recovered extraterrestrial vehicles and bodies during the Truman Administration. I am aware of the background of these documents, and feel strongly that they are authentic. Not only that, there are... continued
Hypnosis Found To Alter Brain Activity
August 23, 1998In an investigation of hypnosis being conducted at Harvard, early signs are that brain function changes under hypnotic suggestion. Since the discovery of hypnosis, the question of what a hypnotic trance really is has remained unanswered. Skeptics have claimed that... continued
Earth Changes Environment Watch
May 29, 1998These links offer insight into the current earth changes situation as it is seen by science. Remember: 1. Install energy-efficient showerheads. 2. Use an insulating jacket on your water heater. 3. Calk any heat leaks in your house. You will... continued
Booms Puzzle Southern Californians
May 18, 1998UFO ROUNDUP - Mysterious booms or "skyquakes" rattled thousands of homes within a large area 30 miles (50 kilometers) southeast of Los Angeles. According to Ryan H. Turner, a communications dispatcher for Orange County, police and fire departments began receiving... continued