Google Robot Fed Up with Abuse from Human Co-Workers, Walks Out on Job

February 27, 2016
Okay, that's not exactly what happened, but Google-owned Boston Dynamics has released a new video of the latest incarnation of their Atlas robot, showcasing it's capabilities for balance, navigating rough terrain, handling objects, and even getting back up after being... continued

British Researchers Granted Approval to Edit Genes in Human Embryos

February 26, 2016
In a controversial move, Britain's Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) regulatory body has approved a research application for a London-based laboratory to carry out gene-editing experiments on human embryos. While the proposed experiments are aimed at researching fertility issues,... continued

Dutch Police use Eagles to Hunt Illegal Drones

February 25, 2016
As new technologies develop, so does the potential for the misuse of that technology, and accordingly, so does the need for law enforcement to find ways to counter that misuse. One such technology that is seeing more and more widespread... continued

Apollo 10 Transcripts Reveal “Outer-Space-Type-Music” Heard by Astronauts

February 24, 2016
Launched on May 18, 1969, the Apollo 10 lunar mission sent three men, Thomas P. Stafford, John W. Young, and Eugene A. Cernan, into orbit around the moon, the first mission in history to do so. When their command module,... continued

DARPA-Funded Research Develops New Method to Insert Brain Implants

February 23, 2016
One of the stumbling blocks being faced by the development of bionic prosthetics is the difficulty of developing a method of controlling an artificial limb, especially in a manner that would seem natural to the wearer. Advances in creating brain-machine... continued

Private Group Launching DIY Satellite to Hunt for UFOs

February 20, 2016
Of all of the sources of images of potentially anomalous objects, video feeds from orbiting NASA spacecraft have provided a treasure trove of images and video for UFO hunters. Ultimately, the data that comes from our space agencies is also... continued

“Psychoactive Compound THC Found in Meteorite” Hoax

February 18, 2016
We have determined that this story is a hoax. Unfortunately, it was just so delightful, we didn't look behind the smokescreen. In our defense, we obtained it from a source that also believed the hoax. Our original story: It has... continued

Bolivia’s Second-Largest Lake Disappears, Due to Climate Change

February 17, 2016
Bolivia has officially declared that their second-largest lake, Lake Poopó, has disappeared. While long-term water diversion for mining and agricultural use has been cited as a partial culprit, an El Niño-driven drought, along with the disappearance of the Andean glaciers... continued

Fresh Water Shortages Affect Over Four Billion People Annually

February 16, 2016
Long-term regional droughts are, unfortunately, a common occurrence on our little planet. Typically though, only droughts that are long-term in their duration are reported on, giving us the impression that the problem is relegated to particular geographies, and not generally... continued

Experimental Fusion Reactor Generates First Hydrogen Plasma

February 14, 2016
A new experimental fusion reactor built by the Max Planck Institute of Plasma Physics in Germany received a brief test run on February 3, bringing the promise of clean and sustainable fusion-generated power one step closer to reality. This new... continued