The Building Blocks for Life Have Been Created in a Lab-Grown Comet

April 9, 2016
While life was once thought to just be a happy accident by mainstream science, the building blocks of DNA and RNA are proving to be not only tenacious, these organic molecules also appear to be able to form in the... continued

Exoplanets With Saltier Oceans Might Be Better Candidates for Alien Life — Perhaps Even More Likely Than for Life On Earth

April 8, 2016
The study of planets found outside our solar system has been booming over the past few decades, with over two-thousand of these fascinating exoplanets having been cataloged. One of the next obvious steps for researchers is to attempt to detect... continued

Human Carbon Release Rate is Greater than Any Other Event Since the Extinction of the Dinosaurs — By Ten Times

April 7, 2016
While the idea that human-generated carbon emissions are nothing new, and the impact of greenhouse gasses on global warming have been evident for quite some time, there has been a great deal of debate over exactly how much humans have... continued

New Study Highlights the Risk of a Solar Superflare

April 6, 2016
In 2012, Whitley Strieber released an ebook titled Solar Flares: What You Need to Know, that explained the potentially disastrous effects on our civilization that a large-scale coronal mass ejection, or solar flare, could have. In 1859 a large flare... continued

Same Problem, Different Effects: Two Temperature Consequences from the Ends of the Earth

April 5, 2016
There's really no place to hide from the heat: new reports from both ends of the world show just some of the consequences of a steadily warming planet. The NSIDC and NASA have announced a new record low in the... continued

Moderate G2 Geomagnetic Storm Watch Issued for Today

April 3, 2016
Both NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center and the U.K. Met's Space Weather Operations Centre have issued a G2-Moderate geomagnetic storm watch for April 2, due to the presence of a negative polarity coronal hole high speed stream (or CH HSS)... continued

Beauty and the Beast: What can AI Learn from Us — and What Can We Learn from It?

April 2, 2016
Despite whatever scenarios that can be speculated on in our culture's works of fiction regarding artificial intelligence, the intelligence that emerges from this field of research may very well be utterly alien to what we might expect. It could be... continued

Moths Consume Shroud of Turin

April 1, 2016
An unnoticed infestation of moths in Turin Cathedral has reduced the Shroud of Turin to dust. Head Conservator Monsignor Guido Sarducci of the Shroud of Turin Research Council believes that the dust particles can be reassembled, which will return the... continued

The Organization for the Research of Ancient Cultures Aims to Uncover the Secrets of Forbidden Archaeology

April 1, 2016
While mainstream science is still slow to accept the possibility that human civilization might extend back past 3,500 BCE, there are still maverick researchers that delve into facts and findings that suggest that humans have been forming sophisticated social and... continued

Meteor Impact Causes Spectacular Explosion on Jupiter

March 31, 2016
Continuing it's role as our solar system's cosmic vacuum cleaner, the planet Jupiter swallowed up an object that was estimated to be similar in size to the meteorite that exploded over Chelyabinsk in Russia in 2013 -- an incident that... continued