Hacker Group ‘Anonymous’ Declares War on Islamic State

November 18, 2015
While Islamic State is infamous for it's horrific attacks causing the deaths of untold numbers of innocent people worldwide, their endeavors in the realm of cyberterrorism aren't as well known. These efforts, while ambitious, are not as effective, according to... continued

Scientists Discover What May Be the Most Important Exoplanet Yet

November 17, 2015
Researchers at Harvard University are excited about what may be the biggest discovery yet made in the field of exoplanets, with University of Maryland astronomer Drake Deming calling it "arguably the most important planet ever found outside the solar system."... continued

ISIS Threatens US

November 17, 2015
ISIS released a videotaped message today threatening an attack on Washington DC, and warning that all countries involved in the war against the terror group are liable to attack. In the US, heightened airport security is being instituted, and a... continued

Coastal Cities Face Drowning, According to Climate Study

November 16, 2015
The United Nations Climate Change Conference is scheduled to be held in Paris at the end of this year, that will host discussions on how to achieve their proposed target of a 2ºC cap on the rise in average global... continued

Attack on Unknowncountry Contained. No Compromise of User Data

November 15, 2015
The attack on Unknowncountry.com was not an attempt to steal user data. It is being run by a bank which is attempting to create thousands of fake subscriptions which it can then cancel and charge back, assessing us a fee... continued

ISIS Has Wide Support in France: Poll

November 15, 2015
According to a poll carried out by ICM for the Russian news agency Rossiya Segodnya, 16% of French citizens and 24% of French youth 18-24 are "sympathetic" to the aims of ISIS. Meanwhile, French president Francois Hollande's approval rating is just... continued

ISIS Launches Devastating Attack on Paris

November 14, 2015
Islamic terrorists have carried out horrific attacks across the City of Light, leaving at least 153 innocent people dead, most of them at a rock concert at the Bataclan concert hall where the California group Eagles of Death Metal were... continued

Bees May Provide Natural Method of Pesticide Delivery

November 13, 2015
A novel approach for the delivery of natural pesticides has been put forward by a Canadian startup company, making use of the natural pollen-distributing services carried out by regular bees. The Vancouver-based company, Bee Vectoring Technology, is making use of... continued

Hidden Tunnel in Great Pyramid may have been Uncovered

November 12, 2015
A recent thermographic survey of the Giza Pyramids has uncovered a number of strange anomalies, including the possible presence of a previously-unknown passageway in the Great Pyramid itself. Using Forward-looking infrared cameras, a research team with Egypt's Ministry of Antiquities... continued

‘Impossble’ Continuous Thrust Space Engine Could Open the Solar System to Widespread Exploration

November 10, 2015
NASA's Eagleworks laboratories has recently released the results of their latest, upgraded experiments designed to evaluate a controversial propulsion device, one that does not use physical propellant to produce thrust, as traditional rockets use. Their verdict: the EmDrive appears to... continued