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“Psychoactive Compound THC Found in Meteorite” Hoax
February 18, 2016We have determined that this story is a hoax. Unfortunately, it was just so delightful, we didn't look behind the smokescreen. In our defense, we obtained it from a source that also believed the hoax. Our original story: It has... continued
Bolivia’s Second-Largest Lake Disappears, Due to Climate Change
February 17, 2016Bolivia has officially declared that their second-largest lake, Lake Poopó, has disappeared. While long-term water diversion for mining and agricultural use has been cited as a partial culprit, an El Niño-driven drought, along with the disappearance of the Andean glaciers... continued
Fresh Water Shortages Affect Over Four Billion People Annually
February 16, 2016Long-term regional droughts are, unfortunately, a common occurrence on our little planet. Typically though, only droughts that are long-term in their duration are reported on, giving us the impression that the problem is relegated to particular geographies, and not generally... continued
Experimental Fusion Reactor Generates First Hydrogen Plasma
February 14, 2016A new experimental fusion reactor built by the Max Planck Institute of Plasma Physics in Germany received a brief test run on February 3, bringing the promise of clean and sustainable fusion-generated power one step closer to reality. This new... continued
Einstein Was Right: The Existence of Gravitational Waves has been Confirmed
February 12, 2016100 years after Albert Einstein predicted the existence of gravitational waves through his theory of general relativity, a team of astrophysicists has announced the detection of these distortions made in the fabric of space. "With this new discovery, we humans... continued
NASA Releases 135-Year Video showing Global Temperature Rise
February 11, 2016The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has released an animation on their website that illustrates how average global surface temperatures have risen since record-keeping started in the late 19th century. The video helps to visually illustrate the rise of Earth's... continued
Asteroid 2013 TX68 May Make a Close Pass to Earth in March
February 10, 2016Astronomers may be in for a treat early next month, as asteroid 2013 TX68 may make a close pass to Earth sometime between March 3–8, 2016, making it possible that it will be visible through telescopes. Despite how close it... continued
Early Earth may have been Hit Head On by Mars-Sized Planet
February 9, 2016The formation of the Earth-Moon system has long been theorized to have been heavily influenced by the impact of a Mars-sized celestial body, commonly called "Theia" by scientists. The Moon's formation is theorized to have occurred when this object struck... continued
Free-Energy Tech Company Steorn Offices were Bugged
February 7, 2016Dublin-based technology development company Steorn has revealed that their offices had been bugged by an unknown party. Steorn, itself having stirred up controversy with the announcement of their "Orbo" technology, a source of "free, clean and constant energy": while it... continued
Famed Astronaut Edgar Mitchell Dies
February 6, 2016Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, who was part of the Apollo 14 crew that flew to the moon in 1971, has died at the age of 85. He was a naval officer and aviator, test pilot, aeronautical engineer, and NASA astronaut. As... continued