New Program Enables Computers to Learn to Read and Write Handwriting

December 15, 2015
The majority of us take the "Three Rs" of education for granted, but within the field of artificial intelligence, computers have only shown an aptitude for 'Rithmetic, something they were specifically designed to do to begin with. Conversely, Reading and... continued

Unfossilized Blood Vessels Found in 80 Million Year-Old Dinosaur Bones

December 12, 2015
In recent years, paleontologists have been breaking new ground in what would have been previously considered an impossible source of information in their field: that of soft tissue, recovered from otherwise ancient dinosaur fossils. As this new field of study... continued

Is Stonehenge a Second-Hand Monument?

December 11, 2015
The construction of the megalithic monument at Stonehenge has long been explained as has having been built in numerous stages, spanning a period between 8,000 and 1,600 BCE. The structure of the site has seen various upgrades over the ages,... continued

As Earth’s Magnetic Field Weakens, the Northern Lights will Push Farther South

December 10, 2015
The Aurora Borealis, also commonly known as the Northern Lights, are an atmospheric phenomenon caused by the interaction of charged particles emitted from the sun that interact with various gasses in Earth's atmosphere, creating beautiful and mesmerizing displays. Typically, these... continued

Nobel Prize Awarded for a Medical Treatment Derived from Traditional Chinese Medicine

December 9, 2015
Considered a source of cultural pride within China itself, the millennia-old practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine is typically dismissed by western medicine as a collection of folklore and pseudoscience. However, in a historic first for the prestigious Nobel Prize, the... continued

Japanese Authorities are Investigating the Appearance of Dozens of Mysterious Ghost Ships

December 8, 2015
Authorities in Japan are investigating the appearance of dozens of mysterious fishing boats that have drifted ashore along Japan's northwest coast, many containing decomposing human remains. While the occasional appearance of such ships is unfortunately not uncommon, the number of... continued

San Bernardino Attack: It was Terrorism

December 5, 2015
The FBI has now confirmed that the attack in San Bernardino, California on December 2 was an act of terrorism, but apparently not ordered by any terror group. The two attackers were a married couple with a six month old child... continued

Ancient Middle East Megaliths Dated to 8,500 BP — But May be Much, Much Older

December 4, 2015
Researchers have recently analyzed the ages of mysterious stone formations that are found across the Middle East, with two of these wheel-shaped structures being approximately 8,500 years old. However, estimates of the age of another, near-identical complex a continent away,... continued

Underground Journalists Fight Against ISIL’s Propoganda Machine

December 3, 2015
 One of Islamic State's most dangerous weapons is their propaganda campaign, being spread via the internet, social media, and ISIL's online propaganda magazine, "Dabiq". This propaganda is aimed at establishing the legitimacy of Islamic State's caliphate, and perhaps more insidiously,... continued

Fairy Lights Holography: Japanese Researchers Develop a Safe Open-Air Interactive Hologram

December 2, 2015
A research team from Tsukuba University in Japan has announced their development of an apparatus that is capable of projecting open-air holograms that are safe for humans to interact with. While the practice of modern holography was invented in 1962,... continued