Killer Heat Waves on the Way

October 29, 2015
While periodic heat waves can claim the lives of people that are vulnerable to such conditions, such as the very young and the elderly, a new study from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Loyola Marymount University shows that if... continued

JPL Predicts Major So-Cal Quake in Less Than 3 Years

October 27, 2015
Earlier this year, the US Geological Survey predicted that there is a 7% chance that a major 8.0 earthquake will rock Southern California within the next 30 years. However, a new study conducted by NASA says that there is a... continued

Want to Stay Out of the Doctor’s Offce? Meditate!

October 27, 2015
While it's been public knowledge for quite some time that various meditation techniques, such as classical meditation, yoga, and tai-chi, can improve one's overall health and well-being, a new statistical study shows that these practices have a related tangible benefit... continued

Hurricane Less Damaging Than Feared

October 24, 2015
Hurricane Patricia, which struck southern Mexico over the weekend made landfall so quickly that it declined within hours into a tropical storm, then broke up into disorganized cells. Patricia was the most powerful hurricane ever recorded. However, the speed with... continued

Just Discovered Asteroid to Brush Past Earth on Halloween

October 23, 2015
NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory has just announced that they have discovered an asteroid that will pass near the Earth on October 31. While it will zip by us at a safe distance, at approximately 280,000 miles (450,000km) away, just outside... continued

Powerful El Nino Sets the Stage for Winter 2015-2016

October 21, 2015
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has released their forecast for the upcoming 2015-2016 winter season, of which is expected to be strongly influenced by the current El Niño pattern in the Pacific. NOAA is predicting that above-average temperatures will... continued

DNA Evidence: More Shroud of Turin Proof

October 19, 2015
It has been generally accepted in many areas of the scientific community that the Shroud of Turin was created in Italy and is of European origin, but new DNA evidence shows that it was in areas that the historical record... continued

Have We Found an Alien Civilization?

October 16, 2015
Civilian astronomers participating in the Kepler Planet Hunters program have identified unusual patterns in the light output of a star that is otherwise invisible to the naked eye -- patterns that are being caused by an as yet unknown process.... continued

Another Climate Study Confirms It: the Superstorm Scenario is Real

October 15, 2015
A new climatological study has illustrated the potential for a scenario similar to the one depicted in Whitley Strieber and Art Bell's book 'The Coming Global Superstorm', where global warming will lead to a sudden drop in global average temperatures.... continued

NASA: “We’re Going to Colonize Mars”

October 14, 2015
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has announced their plans for colonizing Mars, of which includes plans for permanent 'Earth Independent' settlements that would be capable of operating for extended missions with little or no material support needed from Earth.... continued