Nature’s Early Warning System

April 22, 2015
Forecasting major climactic and geologic events by observing animal behavior in the wild is a way of life for nature-based cultures. Modern science, however, has largely ignored the potentially life-saving value that could be derived from studying Nature’s early warning... continued

Mainstream PhotoJournalist Captures a UFO

April 21, 2015
What happens when a distinguished, highly reputable photojournalist with credits from The New York Times, Der Spiegel, Marie Clair, Time Magazine and other prestigious journals – sees and photographs something in the skies he cannot identify? The answer is, of... continued

Weekender: Strong New Yeti Evidence from Russia

April 18, 2015
In the summer of 1850 hunters in the Caucasus encountered a strange creature running naked and six and a half feet tall. They chased it down and captured it, returning it to T'khina. At first, she was violent, but she... continued

Smart Phones Could Get a Whole Lot Smarter

April 17, 2015
Even a few seconds warning prior to a devastating earthquake could save thousands of lives. But Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) systems are too pricey for governments in some of the most earthquake prone regions – including Asia, Central and South... continued

Search Results for Intelligent Life in Galaxies Far, Far Away …

April 16, 2015
Over 50 years ago, the theoretical physicist and mathematician Freeman John Dyson – an expert in astronomy, nuclear engineering, solid-state physics and quantum electrodynamics – theorized that a highly advanced “extraterrestrial civilization would harvest most of its energy from their... continued

Mind to Mind Communication: It’s On the Way

April 15, 2015
Laws and technologies invading and eroding privacy are widespread and ongoing. Soon, even the sanctity of our private thoughts – and the (highly-compromised) right to make up our own minds – may be quaint artifacts of a bygone era. As... continued

Drought in the West, Freeze in the East–a Possible Explanation

April 14, 2015
The US West Coast is suffering a catastrophic drought. The eastern half of the country has just experienced one of the worst winters ever recorded. Now scientists at think they have at least a partial answer that explains both situations:... continued

Weekender: The Continuing Terror of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370

April 12, 2015
On March 31, 2014, Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappeared. Incredibly, over a year later, it has not yet been found. The plane, a Boeing 777 with 239 passengers and crew aboard, was enroute from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing when it made... continued

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star — How I Wonder What We Are

April 10, 2015
Through ALMA, the world’s most sophisticated and powerful telescope of its kind, astronomers have finally been able to prove beyond doubt what poets and mystics have known intuitively all along: Life is everywhere. With the use of the Atacama Large... continued

Forecasting Flares

April 9, 2015
‘Monster’ solar flares that knock out power grids and satellite navigation systems may soon become predictable. Scott McIntosh, director of the National Center for Atmospheric Research and lead author of a study just published in Nature Communications said that his... continued